Alina's Balitrip
Alina's Balitrip

Tag 45

شائع شدہ: 18.09.2024

On Monday morning, I set off early because I had a 3.5-hour drive ahead of me. I wanted to stop by a waterfall along the way, but I got lost many times, so I decided to just turn back. 😅

The roads were very broken and steep at first. It was quite exhausting. I stopped for something to eat on the way and then had to head directly to the children's home.

From today onwards, Vanessa (a new intern from Austria) is with me at the children's home. Rima came by with her and showed her everything. My roommate from Spain, who also did an internship last year, was also there. But they were only there for about an hour and then left again.

The little one turned 3 on Sunday. I gave her some modeling clay, and then we played with it together. I was at the children's home until 9 PM, as a friend of the mother from Australia was there, and the kids made noodles for me. ☺️

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