
Tag 219 - Change of accommodation and quiet day after a long night

ئېلان قىلىندى: 19.03.2020

Hey guys

Last night, the Corona crisis kept us quite busy... We heard rumors of closed borders and read reports of people getting stuck somewhere. This triggered slight panic, especially for Mom... Because she really needs to get back home because of her work. Being stuck here is something she can't afford... We called the airline "Swiss". After 40 minutes on hold, we finally got someone on the phone. The employees couldn't make any predictions either, so she decided to change her flight... Now she's flying home on Monday instead of Friday. We're still waiting for the confirmation for the change and hoping that everything will work out. Yeah, this kept us awake for quite a while... Mom went to sleep at 2 am, Kevin and I finally fell asleep at 4 am. Final decision: We're just going to enjoy the few days we have left and try not to let bad news spoil our mood.

For Kevin and me, it's clear that we're going to stick it out and continue our vacation until we can't anymore. Nobody knows how things will develop right now - we just hope that our instinct (or stubbornness) is not wrong.

After this long night, we slept in today. We all woke up between 9 & 10 am, had breakfast, and then it started: Originally, we wanted to stay in the hotel until Mom leaves, but somehow it wasn't satisfactory. So we looked for something new and found a really cool place! A house with a pool and everything, just for us - and even cheaper than the previous hotel! Since the current scooter rental was reasonably priced for one day, but too expensive for long-term rental, we looked for another rental. Kevin and I drove with a scooter to Patong, took care of everything with the rental, drove back with a new and the old scooter, and returned both old scooters. Then we went to Patong again, picked up the second scooter, and returned to the hotel. In the meantime, Mom already packed most of the stuff. Then we packed our things, all sat down on the balcony, booked the house (there were three options until then) and checked out with a 30-minute delay. Everything went according to plan. We went back to the same bar (the one with the great view) as on the first day and had something refreshing to drink. The bar was exactly on the way and since we had some time to spare, it was the perfect destination.

Later on, we drove the rest of the way, found the accommodation right away and were really excited! Everything is very modern, spacious, bright, and nicely furnished. Top, we're all satisfied.

In the afternoon, we enjoyed the pool, lounged on the sunbeds, and did absolutely nothing! None of us was really recovered from the night, so everyone was grateful for the quiet afternoon.

In the evening, we went to a nice restaurant by the beach for dinner and then sat outside in our lodge. That's where we are now, typing on the laptop :)

So:): See you tomorroooooooooow!!!!

جاۋاب (2)

Hallo, ja kann ich mir gut vorstellen😊 Wir wissen alle nicht wie lange diese Zustände noch so bleiben.....passt weiterhin gut auf euch auf! Bitte❣️ Hört auf eurer Bachgefühl, nicht auf den Kopf... Eure Herzen haben bereits geschlagen, bevor ihr euren Kopf- Verstand eingesetzt habt. Denkt daran. Ich drücke euch ganz lieb❤️ Mami/ Evelyne

Jööööh! Danke dir! Echt lieb geschrieben, das tut richtig gut! Wir drücken dich ganz fest zurück! Pass bitte auch gut auf dich auf! Küsschen und Knuddel

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