
Tag 20+21 Thong Sala and Than Sadet

Басылган: 13.02.2020

Yesterday we were quite planless and already considered borrowing a car during breakfast. So we went towards the car rental and met our new acquaintances Carina and Thomas who had booked with us in reverse and traveled to the west coast yesterday. Since the taxi was very expensive, I suggested sharing the car costs and taking them there by rental car and combining the whole thing with a visit to Markus and Angie and their princess. Said and done. We spent great hours at the beach with them and especially Samuel was visibly overjoyed and came back to life. Adriana inspired him to be brave again and you could tell how much he had come to love and miss Adriana and Angie. In the afternoon we drove to Thong Sala, where we first did a little shopping and then had a delicious meal at the food market. It was a beautiful and pleasant conclusion to a nice day.

Apparently, the three of us are not the "beach loungers", because this morning we pondered again where we should go and spontaneously decided to visit Than Sadet Beach and National Park shortly before we had to return the car. We wanted to see if we could go by moped, but it was too far and hilly for my nerves.

Than Sadet was still a great, albeit short, experience. The beach in the national park was pleasantly empty and beautiful. The waves were 2-3 meters high and really impressive. Unfortunately, we couldn't go swimming, which is a shame because Joe and I love high waves, but Samuel does not yet, he would have had to wait at the beach until the waves washed us ashore again-)

Back at the car rental, Samuel was allowed to play with the tricycle for a while and we took some more photos. Here, the plastic vehicles and tricycles are really scattered on every corner, and it is getting harder and harder to explain to Samuel that he cannot go to every vehicle and play for hours.

After lunch at the food center, which Samuel slept through, we went back into the sea and this time we saw not only fish and shells, but also a starfish washed ashore.

We spent the evening again in the bar at Siam Beach, but this time it was a short pleasure because Samuel saw our neighboring resort and simply could not be stopped because he wanted to run and watch geckos there, just like every day.

With that, we wish you all the best! Best regards and see you tomorrow :-) Karin, Joe & Samuel

.Авап (4)

Maria Lilliana
Super schöne Geschichte.von Euch drei und Mitmenschen alles alles gute

Dankeschön. Bussiiiii

Habt ihr die richtig großen Gekkos auch schon gesehen? Die so richtig "G-G-G-G-Gekoooo" rufen? Ich find die super süß und liebe ihren Ruf!

Nein richtige Geckos haben wir dann nicht gesehen, die waren alle klein und lautlos, aber ein Chamäleon haben wir gesehen, das war cool!

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