The end of a round trip with island hopping ;-)(Day 154 of the world trip)

Ku kandziyisiwile: 05.02.2020


After sleeping until 6:00 am, we packed, had breakfast and when we went downstairs around 8:30 am, our hostess was there and we had a short chat^^

She told us that we were great guests and justified all our "great" qualities (e.g. we were quiet or didn't have the air conditioning running constantly but at most half an hour in the afternoon) by saying that we are vegetarians :D :D

It was so cute^^ She said that you are a better person when you don't eat animals because when you eat, you take on all the suffering and burdens of that animal. As a vegetarian, you are "purer" and so much healthier!

After our conversation, she offered to drive us to the port by car instead of calling a tricycle. I wanted to accept the offer gratefully but Jonas didn't think it was right and so we let ourselves be driven, but we paid for it ;-)

During the drive, we also talked about sex tourism in the Philippines. I haven't mentioned that yet, but there are quite a few white, older men here, just like in Thailand, who have a young Filipina by their side...

Our hostess finds this just as reprehensible as we do and also told us that she believes that the girls who get involved in it are simply lazy. Yes, they are poor, but many people in the Philippines are poor and still find a job... These girls, however, specifically look for men on websites and thus they are not victims alone, but it is a kind of win-win situation (or lose-lose, depending on how you look at it...).


When we arrived at the port, we said goodbye and then bought our ticket for the ferry back to Cebu, from where we fly on tomorrow morning at 7:00 am :O

After checking in the large luggage again, we played brain training on our mobile phones in the waiting room <33

At some point, a band of local disabled people came and since they played really great music, we gladly gave a small donation :)

After about an hour of waiting, boarding began and although we booked the same class as last time, this time we sat in the cabin and I even had a seat by the window <33

It took a while for everyone to get on the boat and then there was even a real medical transport! A woman on a stretcher with a drip, oxygen bottles and various medical equipment, along with personnel, was also brought onto the boat.

Jonas and I were a bit surprised by this :p I mean, maybe Bohol doesn't have as good a hospital as the city of Cebu, but using one of these passenger ferries seemed quite unusual to us ;-)

We would have expected a helicopter or at least the car ferry.

It's a bit like taking the injured to the hospital by bus after a traffic accident. Bizarre^^

But well - maybe there was no other option :)

The trip was again super relaxed and even more comfortable than before. A Fast & Furious movie was playing on a TV, which we had already seen on the bus, and otherwise I just looked out the window the whole time.

After about 2 hours, we arrived in Cebu City at the port and since our accommodation is on Mactan Island, where the airport is also located, we still had a bit more travel ahead of us :D

But first, we had to pick up our luggage and when we wanted to get off the pier, they were just taking the woman off the boat to be loaded into an ambulance. Unfortunately, this caused some people to stop and watch. Rubberneckers :( Oh well...

At the end of the pier, there was a bus and we asked if it was going to SM Mall and tada! That's exactly where it was going!! Yay!

From SM Mall, we took a van to Mactan Island and from the final stop there, we took the tricycle for the last stretch until we finally arrived at the apartment complex :)

For the first time since arriving in the Philippines, it drizzled/rained :O :D And yet the complex has a pool! :p

The complex consists of several high-rise buildings (our has about 15 floors or so with a long corridor where there are apartments on the right and left), a gym, two outdoor pools and - we have our own 7-Eleven <33

The apartment is pretty cool. We're on the sixth floor, have a kitchenette with a microwave, rice cooker and kettle, a fridge, a dining table with two chairs, and we can see one of the pools from the window.

Except for us, it seems that only locals live here, so there's a really nice atmosphere overall :)

But since we're pretty far from everything and can't/wouldn't want to walk anywhere, we bought our "dinner" at 7-Eleven and then planned the next two days^^

Our host, who owns the apartment, wasn't there in person, but we communicate via Whatsapp and she has arranged a taxi for us tomorrow morning at 4:30 am to take us to the airport.

We're sooo excited!!! :O

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we'll be in Taiwan and then comes the "big flight" and whoaa :D :D

Let's see if and how much I write and how I organize the counting, because we will experience the 08.02. twice, so to speak, because we will fly across the date line :p :D

Today, it means going to bed early and from tomorrow on, we'll be on an airplane every day until we finally arrive in Mexico, hopefully not too tired ^^


Swiviko swa maendzo Philippines