
Day 6: Rainy Zagreb

Yayınlanan: 07.09.2017

Unfortunately, the weather on our sixth day of travel didn't play along as we had hoped. We could only see Zagreb at night during our search for food and organizational activities. This day was supposed to be spent admiring the magnificent buildings and sights in the light. But the sun didn't come out. Instead, we were accompanied by light to heavy rain, wind, and some cold almost the whole day.

We didn't let these environmental influences intimidate us and spent almost the whole day walking through the city after a short Uber ride from our accommodation to the train station. On the way to the old town and the cathedral, we passed many large, magnificent buildings surrounded by green areas. Just before the old town, we bought breakfast from a bakery and enjoyed it under the shelter of some trees. Of course, a hot drink couldn't be missing in such weather, so we marched into the next small café. During a cappuccino and a green tea, we planned our further journey to Belgrade and Hungary.

Well warmed up, our next destination was the cathedral. After a short visit there, we continued to defy the rain and followed a route that had been determined shortly before, passing several sights. The rain had already left its mark on our clothes and motivation at that time, so we informed ourselves at the next tourist information office about the best indoor activities. Finally, we chose the 'Museum of Broken Relationships', where we had to wait for half an hour due to the large crowds. Finally, we explored the museum with many exhibits of personal and symbolic character from people all over the world. There was always a short story and explanation of the symbolism by the people involved. Many sad and heart-wrenching stories initially conveyed a rather melancholic impression, which was then lightened up by very amusing and funny contributions.

After about two hours at the museum, we treated ourselves to baked fish and calamari. Then we headed towards the botanical garden, passing many magnificent buildings along the way. When we arrived at the garden, we took a short walk and enjoyed the lush greenery and the smell of damp earth in the middle of the city.

After a burger and stocking up on provisions for the next train journey, an Uber taxi took us back to our accommodation and the first preparations for the next day were made. Good night!

Cevap (1)

Es hat mir gefallen, "es hat mich sehr gefreut!"
