
Day 13: 10 hours towards Krakow

Yayınlanan: 15.09.2017

The longest train journey during our Interrail trip was the route from Nitra to Krakow. First, we took a regional train to Nove Zamky, where we switched to an EC train to Bohumin after a one-hour break. So far, there is nothing special to report except for a somewhat complicated reservation of two seats from Poland. Due to our preparation the day before, we had enough provisions (snacks, sweets, drinks) for the entire train journey and ate almost everything.

After spending some time in the Czech Republic, we boarded an IC train for the second and last time. All in all, the train journey went smoothly and we had plenty of time to read in our digital books, which we had brought along.

Upon arrival in Krakow, we made our seat reservation for Saturday from Krakow to Prague, took a 15-minute walk from the train station to our hostel, and went in search of a warm dinner. Leaving our accommodation, Krakow greeted us with strong gusts of wind and occasional light rain. We chose a Vietnamese restaurant for dinner, which offered an incredibly affordable menu. Unfortunately, not only the price was low, but also the skills of the cook.

At least full, we returned to the accommodation, used the hostel's washing machine, and fell tired into bed.


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