
Our January Highlights

Yayınlanan: 18.02.2018

After New Year's in Wellington, we soon took the ferry to the South Island. The first weeks it rained a lot. Nevertheless, we were able to visit and explore many impressive places. We also gained further insights into New Zealand's diverse wildlife.

Once again, we thought of eleven questions to review this month. To make it clearer for you which answers belong to whom, Tobi's answers will be marked in bold and my answers will be in italics - because of course, the two of us don't always have the same opinion. ;)


- From where did we have the most beautiful view in January? -
Tobi: During the harbor tour in Akaroa, there were always beautiful views of the peninsula's coast.
Nadine: After 24 kilometers on a gravel road, we arrived at the isolated Mount Sunday/Edoras. From the summit, we had the most impressive view so far, in my opinion.

- On which campsite did you feel particularly comfortable? -
In the remote Jacksons, we discovered a little gem. Clean facilities, a kitchen area where you could walk barefoot, and vegetables from the local garden that were available - it couldn't get any better.
In Greymouth, we found one of the most well-thought-out campsites. The facilities were adapted to the number of pitches and very modern and well-maintained. Moreover, you can reach the beach within a few minutes and (almost) every evening you can watch a sunset.

- You have been living in the car and from the car for almost 3 months now. Are there any disadvantages? -
No matter where we park on the side of the road, all of our belongings are in the car. Sometimes this can be a bit unsettling.
On rainy days, we are relatively confined and have little room to move. Also, on such days, our wet clothes dry very, very slowly in the car.

- Speaking of cars - how are you coping with driving on the left side of the road? -
Both of us found the adjustment relatively easy. After a short period of getting used to it, driving on the left side became second nature. Furthermore, every intersection is regulated by traffic signs - so you don't have to worry about right of way.

- Did you make any purchases this month that you regretted? -
After using it only once for frying an egg, we forgot the $35 expensive pan in the campsite kitchen.
This month, we had problems with the shelf life of food. Baked goods, in particular, sweat quickly in the car and molded before the expiration date.
(In return, we would like to thank other campers who leave food for free when they leave. That way, we could already pack an unopened jar of honey worth $25.)

- What was your favorite moment in January? -
After an entertaining journey across the Cook Strait, we arrived in the calm waters of the South Island. The view and the feeling of having arrived on the South Island awakened a new enthusiasm in me.
For me, it was seeing the glowworms in Jacksons. We forgot everything around us and were simply fascinated by this natural spectacle.

- Was there also a sad moment? -
We agree on this one. We keep seeing dead animals on and near the road. But once, we witnessed a small bird being hit by the car in front of us. Afterwards, we only saw the little bird fall on the road behind us. :(

- Which hike left a positive impression on you? -
The hike at Motukiekie Beach was uniquely beautiful. The trail led us along the beach to beautiful rock formations off the coast.
The night hike in Jacksons was challenging and nerve-wracking at the same time. Days of rain made the trail very muddy. After several stream crossings, we were surprised by many glowworms.

- People always talk about the adventure of New Zealand. What adventure did you experience this month? -
I led us straight into a large herd of cows at Mount Sunday/Edoras. When they got startled and started running, our hearts stopped for a moment.
For me, it was the small earthquake we experienced on the second night in Christchurch - in retrospect, a very formative experience.

- In general, what was your personal highlight? -
After a long time, we went back to the mountains. Lewis and Arthur's Pass are two beautiful scenic drives.
Being able to watch the Hector's dolphins in Okains Bay was simply incredible.

- And finally: Your favorite pictures from January! -

View of Banks Peninsula
View of Banks Peninsula

Stop at Lewis PassStop at Lewis Pass

'The Lifeboat' in Greymouth

That was our little review of the month of January. If you want more information about the individual answers, feel free to check out our previous posts. :)
We are looking forward to more adventures and will, of course, continue to share them with you. :)


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