The little birds, the little birds from Lake Titicaca

Yayınlanan: 26.04.2018

From La Paz, the bus ride to Lake Titicaca took just three hours. And that's only because we had to cross on a ferry. Everyone had to get off the bus and be taken to the other side on a passenger ferry. The bus was loaded onto a small boat and sailed separately. It's amazing that it didn't tip over... we continued on with the bus to the town of Copacabana.

All this time, I had been looking forward to seeing Lake Titicaca and singing the song "The little birds, the little birds from Lake Titicaca". I don't know if the singers meant the local birds or the super ugly old pedal boats when they recorded the song ^^

Since Josef wanted to celebrate his birthday here, we booked a "birthday suite", a small apartment with a direct view of the lake. The view was stunning and the apartment was one of the nicest accommodations we've had so far.

Copacabana is a cozy little town with many small restaurants, and Jonas and I really wanted to try the "Trucha" fish that was advertised everywhere. When we came home in the evening, my path led straight to the bathroom and the fish said goodbye again in the toilet. After that, I was lying in bed trembling, gasping for air, and feeling nauseous, and not even the hotel's oxygen mask helped. We decided to call a doctor, which was always my biggest nightmare. To my delight, a super nice woman came, but she only spoke Spanish. It turned out that on top of my altitude sickness problems, I also got food poisoning. Just great...

The next day was Josef's birthday, and our plan was to go on a nice trip to one of the small islands and spend a lot of time in the water. Jonas and Josef eventually went alone, and I spent the day in bed. In the evening, I managed to get up so that we could at least go out to eat together and celebrate a bit. Jonas and Josef treated themselves to pizza, wine, and cocktails, while I sat there with a tea and a plate of pasta... of all days=(

Finally, we decided to extend our stay for another night. Jonas and Josef enjoyed the beautiful weather and explored the area, while I spent the days in bed and enjoyed the view from the window.

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