Im Kojteich
Im Kojteich

Busan - The Fast Ways of the Lord

Çap edildi: 21.04.2023

Marginal Notes of Attention 📑

07:00 - Waves wake me up. Oh no, go back to sleep.

08:00 - Seagulls wake me up. Oh no, go back to sleep.

09:00 - Honking wakes me up. Well, okay then. Time to get up. 🥱

I grab my phone. Nicole has sent me two articles, one about South Korea and one about Japan. I read both of them. Surprisingly, the one about South Korea confirms what I have already experienced.
Fast, fast, fast. That's the motto.

What I read about Japan, I already know and can confirm.

Basically, I don't need to wonder, because South Korea has always been just a side note compared to Japan for me. And if I'm just a side note for South Korea, why should I even bother with Taiwan? Taiwan is an even smaller side note for me than South Korea. My thoughts wander. It's only been a week since I left Japan, but the lessons I learned from it are fading slowly. Among other things, the thing about full focus and mindfulness on one thing. Either I devote myself to one thing or I might as well let it be. After this realization, I grab my phone and message a few people. Contacting home.

Then I go through the inbox of my to-do list and stumble upon a few noted sayings.

'You live the life you create for yourself.'

'Your expectations are the reason for your disappointments.'

Am I recognizing a motto for Busan here?

When nothing helps, spending money helps 🛒

I head to Lotto Mart and let the impressions come at me.

On the way, I pass by, among other things, an abandoned swimming pool. If I had the Chernobyl vibes in Nagano, then even more so here. It's strange that something like this exists in the middle of such a lively area.

I notice something else. Here, the high-rise blocks are all marked with three-digit numbers. Most of them start with 101 in their block, but apparently never lower. Later, I will find only two buildings that are an exception. Furthermore, I have seen thousands of balconies here, but not a single one had any plants on them.

Almost at the mall, I notice one thing again. On one hand, there are people who would love to strangle you for using the pedestrian crossing. And on the other hand, you cross six lanes and drivers wait patiently at the other end until you have crossed on a green light. Even though they had more than enough time to drive. 😕

Back on track 🛤

Arriving at the mall, 'Pharrell Williams - Happy' is playing in my ears. My mood finally improves. In the restroom, I apply a mind hack that I am grateful to Bernd for. Because it's so simple yet so insanely effective. When I look at myself in the mirror in the restroom, I give myself a high five with a smile. *boom* My mood shoots to the top of the scale. I'm always surprised at how well such a simple gesture works. I'm glad I eventually tried it. Well, if you haven't tried it, you can't judge or condemn it.

That's why Lotte Mart is the ideal territory for me. I can try sooo many things here. This time, I have a good feeling, I like the store. I let my feelings guide me in terms of selection. Of course, kimchi goes in the bag. And finally tea. I realize that here, only packs of 20 eggs or more are available. Except for boiled eggs. I have to hold back because I intentionally brought only a small bag for transporting. In the end, I spend just under 20€.

God's ways are highways 🛣

I'm relatively fast, because I'm getting hungry and have to start working again soon. This time the evening will go until midnight because I have a meeting with my colleague in the USA at 11:30 PM. On the way to my accommodation, I see three nuns on the other side of the street. I had already read about the 'fast, fast, fast' this morning. But it's crazy that I really have to hurry just to keep up with the nuns.

In the meantime, I have gotten used to taking breaks from work and going down to the beach. After all, it's just crossing the street. The fine sand and pieces of broken shells feel good on my bare feet. Freedom for the feet!


Günorta Koreýa
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