Im Kojteich
Im Kojteich

Busan - Escape into the Green

Çap edildi: 22.04.2023

It's getting hot in here 🥵

I wake up in a heated room. The thermometer shows 32°C. I look at the clock, it's just before 09:00. Today, mist and 26°C are predicted outside. I might as well enjoy the weather by going for a walk. 😄

While writing these lines on my laptop, I suddenly startle. Somewhere, a song starts playing loudly. Instruments start playing, a female voice starts with 'Uuuhuu', followed by 'Eyy yeaah'. It must be very close, it must be coming from this apartment. The music is coming from a speaker on the wall. As suddenly as it started, it quickly ends. Spooky. 👻

After a while, I startle again. The music from my phone is interrupted by a Korean female voice. I grab my phone. There's a warning message in Korean. An older woman is being sought.

In the meantime, I also find out that I apparently became a father at some point. And that my offspring is old enough to send me a text message. The spelling and grammar still need some work, but I don't want to project my expectations onto my offspring. And hey, apparently it's not about child support. 🤣

An Escape into the Nature 🌳

After these eerie experiences, I head south. On the way, I notice the Yellow Vests again. Seniors with yellow vests and caps who pick up garbage on the beach or regulate traffic at intersections. At intersections with working traffic lights.

After the bus ride, I begin the ascent into the greenery. This behemoth of a city has devoured all the flat greenery. Either you have the city here, or wooded mountains with slopes like in the Neander Valley. Apparently, there's nothing in between.

Oh yeah, I have to give KakaoMap credit; they also mark public toilets. 👍
At the parking lot, I see those blue drums on the car doors again. Pretty crazy. You buy a car for thousands and commit your soul to the bank for years, but then you spoil it with something like that. 😑

After a while in the greenery, I am once again reminded of the extent of this city. From my vantage point, I can't even see half of the coastal part of the city, I am both fascinated and horrified. It reminds me of city-building games like Sim City or Cities: Skylines. I have also built something like that, paved through and through with space-saving high-rises, and found it fascinating. In reality, it's not so sexy.

My thoughts bulldog breaks free from its leash, enjoys its exercise. Is this the only way to live in the future? In Düsseldorf, aspects of a big city like hustle and bustle or air quality were not inviting to me. Here, the dial has been turned up to 11.
Growing up in bunk beds until you land in a job at the mega-corporations that own entire blocks of houses. Then, during the week, paying off your newest car under interest slavery to impress strangers, praying to the fine dust god, and enjoying nature on the weekends while hiking in functional clothing.
Just to one day die from fast food or receive a yellow vest. I wave my thanks and move on. 👋

Please, don't leaf! 🍃

A strange picture emerges. Until just now, I was walking through the most natural nature far and wide with the scent of pine trees, and three steps further, huge skyscrapers stand before me. I want to take the bus to the Skywalk, so I have to go back to the city, whether I like it or not. I walk through an inconspicuous metal door surrounded by trash, and suddenly the city has me again. As if someone had flipped a light switch for environments. I stop at the turning circle, letting my gaze wander over the city. I turn back to the forest entrance, almost a little wistful. It's a bit like a birth; you leave the soothing, familiar, natural and protective and get spit out into this dirty world. 'Here, take it, good luck with that.' An older man, who was just behind me, shows me the way to the city with a wordless gesture. I already know the way, but something resists giving the way to me. I would prefer to turn around, but I have to keep moving. A certain wistfulness takes hold of me. Until next time. 😞

The City of Lights 🎆

Initially surprising until I got used to it: when the police drive around, the blue-red lights are constantly on. But that doesn't mean they have to go fast. It simply means, 'Blink Blink, that's the light of the police!'🚨. Just presence.

I watch the people on the sidewalks. Koreans seem to have a different perception of heat. Sunshine, 26°C, I myself sweated in flip-flops, shorts, and a t-shirt while hiking in nature. Most people here walk around with two layers, if not a t-shirt-sweater-jacket combination. The only people in similar clothing are the largest group of Westerners - Russians. I haven't heard that much Russian at home.

I get to work. In between, I feel like taking a quick trip to Starbucks to get myself a matcha. On the way there, I notice that within 100 meters, I pass by three selfie studios. Small shops with photo booths and accessories. I will see three more within the next five minutes. Welcome to Ego City, Self-Presentation Lane. 😏🤳

It's Thursday, so I have my call with Thomas. Talking to home is good once again. I'm happy for him and his good experiences in the last few days, it's contagious. He reflects back to me that I am much more in contact with myself. Even after four weeks, the premise remains: find and maintain rituals.

During the phone call, I walk up and down the beach, feeling like I'm in the old Pokémon games. I try not to get into the camera cones of the couples, make wide detours around the singing teenagers who have set up their little stages to be discovered as the next K-pop star. While doing so, I watch a couple shooting fireworks into the air. A completely normal phenomenon here, even at 3:00 in the morning.

On the way back, I suddenly come across a construction site, not 50 meters from my entrance. Half an hour ago, there was nothing here, now there are a dozen construction workers on a Thursday night at 9:45, digging up the entire sidewalk. Twelve hours later, it will look as if nothing ever happened here.


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