ሓድሽን ፍሉይን ናይ ጉዕዞ ብሎግ Dublin

Three things I learned in Dublin

My findings about traffic lights, Irish people and buses in Dublin

Dublin - the rough capital and its gem at the tip - 6 months in Ireland

I was always told that Dublin is supposed to be a tough place. The people are different, behave diff...

Ireland - Dublin

Irish breakfast

Dublin Day 2 - Animal Great

The second day and it keeps getting better

Auf ins Ungewisse

Phoenix Park

The Phoenix Park

A lonely Bambi

Working and exploring Dublin

Buildings on the way to work (George's Wharf)

Let the adventure begin

Finally, my adventure has begun... My flight and the first days in Dublin.

Next Stop Ireland: Dublin

This month, it's time to explore Europe once again - why travel far? Next stop Ireland! Actually, we...