

Einmal Zentralamerika to go, bitte! - Dana und Julian berichten

Honduras #2 - Utila Cays

Honduras #2 - Utila Cays

exciting dives and the fight against plastic

Honduras #1 - Utila Cays

WorkAway on the Utila Cays

Guatemala #5 - Lake Atitlán

As soon as you step onto the bus, the accelerator is pressed to the metal, and the laws of physics a...

Guatemala #2 - Semuc Champey

natural adventure pool in the middle of nowhere

ጓቲማላ #1 - ፍሎረስን ቲካልን።

ካብዚ ምሥጢራዊ ፓኖራማ ጫፋት ናይቶም ኣብ ከባቢኦም ዝነበሩ መቕደሳት ተላዒሎም፣ ከም ደቂሶም ዘለዉ ግዙፋት ነቲ ጫካ ዝከታተሉ ዝመስሉ...

Belize #1 - Caye Caulker

Snorkeling with Sharks - you better Belize it!

Mexico #6 - Bacalar

finally bad weather

Mexico #5 - Merida

The supposed decline of the civilization began with the arrival of the Spaniards at the end of the 1...

Mexico #4 - Valladolid

Hitchhiking until the truck comes

Mexico #3 - Tulum

stranded Mayan site and turtle selfie

Mexico #2 - Cozumel Island

about couchsurfing and sea turtles

Cuba #3 - Trinidad

colorful houses, lively salsa and passionate hip movements

Cuba #1 - Havana

a vibrant museum with everyday worries

Welcome to Central America!

Please fasten your seatbelts - we're about to start