
Multicultural and all kinds of creatures...

ተሓቲሙ: 13.04.2017

When I travel, I always notice how much I thrive in an international environment, how I enjoy speaking English, hearing other languages - and conversing about this and that with people from all walks of life. I have already done this with people from the following countries - Germans (of course, we are everywhere), German- and French-speaking Swiss, Dutch, Swedes, French, Irish, English, Italians, Americans, Australians, Canadians, Indians, Turks, Brazilians, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Wonderful! That's the way it should be, and I was looking forward to it!

Flora and fauna offer a lot of exoticism for us, besides dogs and cats. The sounds alone are different and beautiful. The sea, birds, insects, frogs, geckos - anyone who has been traveling in tropical countries knows what a fascinating soundscape it is, day and night - the volume can be extremely impressive. I have already become a little accustomed to it, even to the palm trees that naturally stretch towards the sky with plump coconuts. I appreciate being familiar with such a scenery. What you can't see in the pictures are the numerous colorful, small and large butterflies, frogs, mosquitoes (which unfortunately cannot be avoided), fish, the firefly that landed on my hand the other day, little blue jellyfish, etc.

Again and again, I pause when a little creature catches my eye, and then I am delighted like a child with each being that crosses my path - however, my love does not extend to mosquitoes - I am in curiosity mode and I relish being able to indulge in it.

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Jaja, die lieben Geckos - ich sag nur: "klack, klack, klack" ist schon lustig, wenn man mitten in der Nacht aufwacht und so ein Tier plötzlich an der Decke oder Wand direkt neben oder über einem sitzt. Die Katzen scheinen sich nach deinen Bildern ja auch extrem wohl zu fühlen. Würde Simon sicherlich auch gefallen. Wie schmeckt denn der Kokossaft direkt aus der Nuss?

Einfach nur herrlich schmeckt er! Aber ich faste auch gerade und bin sehr empfänglich für solche erlaubten Leckereien. Schick Simon mal rüber, ich pass auch auf ihn auf. Hier sind einige hübsche rote Katzen unterwegs.

Mein Simon freut sich bestimmt über eine hübschen roten Thai Lady-Kater 😂😂😂