Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer
Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer

Karijini National Park

ተሓቲሙ: 09.12.2017

After another wonderful day at the beach, we started the next morning at 05:55 am: this time the aim was Karijini National Park. Another 8 hours later, we had already arrived.

The adventurous thing about the long distances is, firstly, the long distances 😉, secondly, the long distances between gas stations, and thirdly, the (fortunately mostly short) unpaved roads with a 'normal' campervan (not 4WD).

Our campsite was also adventurous: eco retreat, which was located far away from any civilization in the middle of nowhere. Just fantastic !!

We hiked the very close Joffre Gorge directly after arriving in the afternoon - Flo wearing flip flops (!). Extremely daring, considering that the descent (and ascent) into the gorge (and back up) was classified as level 5 (out of 5). Silly silly silly, but it can be said: Havianas are also suitable for climbing! 🙈

The super nice manager, who had already greeted us very kindly at noon, came to us in the evening to ask if we wanted to participate in a small unofficial night hike in search of a 3 meter long snake. We - always up for an adventure - abruptly interrupted our stargazing, put on headlamps, and off we went.. 😃 🤙

A rather crazy, excited, possibly intoxicated, or maybe under the influence of drugs manager (now our tour guide) led us in the pitch black towards the gorge, where the beautiful Olivia (the aforementioned olive green python) was supposed to live. But Olivia was not at home (possibly luckily 🤔), so we turned back to the camper and went to bed.

The next morning, we enjoyed the sunrise from the camper at around 04:52 am.

Afterwards, we set off to explore the various gorges in the area.

There was an unexpectedly quick end on the way to the first gorge, where Rainer shouted at us after about 200 meters that this gravel road was not quite suitable for him, and if we continued, we would expect fines of 300 dollars. 🙄 We listened to Rainer, turned around, and headed for another gorge. Big Brother is watching you 🤬

So the planned stay in Karijini was shortened a little, but what we saw was more than worth it: a great and impressive hike at 33 degrees (8 am) through various gigantic gorges, along beautiful natural pools with great little waterfalls (including cooling off in them, of course), surrounded by interesting rock formations and structures.

We saw, hiked, and swam in the Fern Pool, Fortescue Falls, Circular Pool in Dales Gorge, and Joffre Gorge. Absolutely amazing!!

But you can see that in the pictures as well, right?!

መልሲ (2)

hallo ihr Reisenden, das sind wirklich außergewöhnlich schöööne Bilder, abenteurlich wohl die Ausflüge :)) , guut dass ihr heil geblieben seid - wünsch euch noch ne tolle Weiterreise und schönes Wetter, bei uns Schnee, Regen und Stuuurm - ihr verpasst nix. Lieber Gruß an euch drei und Kussi Mama

Hallo Ihr Granaten! wenn ich die Bilder mit den Flipp Flopps sehe, dann wird's mir ja echt schummerig und ich glaube ich muss mal mit Rainer sprechen, damit er in diesem Punkt auch mit Euch rum meckert. Schließlich hat Rainer ja auch ordentliche Schlappen drauf und wenn der schon mit den Schotterpisten nicht einverstanden ist, dann sollte ihr wenigstens an professionelles Schuhwerk denken. Immerhin habt Ihr noch einige Kilometer vor Euch und mit verstauchtem Haxen verschafft Ihr Euch unnötige Handicubs..... oder so !! und wenn Euch da noch eine Schlapperklang in den Zeh beißen würde dann ist Eure geniale Reise schneller zu Ende als Ihr denken könnt. Also dann nehmt mahl einen Rat von einem alten Trapper an. Sicherheit muss zwingend verbessert werden oder Schimpfe von Rainer. Gruß Tom aus Hof4

ጸብጻባት ጉዕዞ ኣውስትራልያ

ተወሳኺ ጸብጻባት ጉዕዞ