XXV. The Jungle of San Juan del Sur

ተሓቲሙ: 12.01.2017

So, now that the family had their Nicaragua photo meet-up at home, I can finally start the series of blog posts. I have a total of five aces up my sleeve, so here's No. 1.

On December 19th, I picked up Mom, Dad, and Franzi from the airport. It was quite crazy to watch the three of them retrieve their luggage from the conveyor belt with their winter clothes. Honestly, I got used to the fact that they were here much faster than I thought.

The next day, we picked up our rental car (with four-wheel drive!!) and drove to San Juan del Sur. Our vacation house for the first week was located a bit north of there. The way there was quite an adventurous muddy path, and the four-wheel drive was definitely worth it.

The house is surrounded by the jungle with a view of the sea - beautiful!

We had a really great time there, we were woken up every morning by howler monkeys, then we ate delicious fruit and explored the beaches in the area - and of course, I spent as much time as possible lying on a surfboard ;) Or we relaxed in the pool with a view of our little jungle.

I really enjoyed spending my birthday with at least a small part of my family and on this occasion, I would like to thank you again for all the lovely wishes!

Christmas Eve was quite funny. During the day and in the evening, we were on a fishing boat trying in vain to catch a fish for dinner - but still, we saw a beautiful sunset, many pelicans, rocks, and beaches.

After exploring the Christmas-decorated city, we grilled at home and enjoyed the not-at-all Christmassy temperatures.
In total, I really enjoyed this one week of beach vacation. Get ready for Ace No. 2, I'm just saying Ometepe!
Hasta luego!