12 to Gibraltar

ተሓቲሙ: 28.03.2024

Distance 69 kilometers, cum. 1,018 kilometers | Altitude 760, cum. 7,380

Was I to blame for the accident? Or was I the reason for it?

I've thought about this for a long time. Until my own problems concern me more than these thoughts.

But what happened?

A few times today I ended up on the main road again. I drove nicely on the right, it even had a narrow shoulder. Suddenly there was a crash right next to me, but in the oncoming lane. All I saw was a car flying across both lanes and then probably landing on its roof. It seemed to me that no other vehicles were involved. In my opinion it was clearly my own fault. Nevertheless, I asked myself whether he was distracted by me and therefore came into contact with the right guardrail. I don't know it! Since several vehicles were driving behind him and were able to stop in time, I continued driving without stopping. Would you have acted differently? It also rained quite a bit and the streets were wet.

It was already raining and windy in the morning. So I had breakfast in peace, put on rain pants and a windbreaker and then plotted things out. The hotelier told me that it had been dry for weeks and that they actually had to pay me something because I brought the rain with me. 🌧️🤣😅

At some point Komoot suggested that I leave the main road and take another route. Unfortunately this wasn't available, so I chose my own. But that was quite a detour so I looked for a shortcut that looked good on the map. Komoot also said that this is possible. The reality, however, was completely different. After initially going slightly uphill on a good road, I was sure that this was a good path. But then it ended abruptly and became such a rocky road that it was impossible to continue, so I started pushing until I got to the point where I just thought that hopefully I won't have to go back that way. So all that was left was to continue on the path we had chosen.

Am I a stubborn person, an idiot or an absolute fan of difficult situations? Probably a little of everything. This is how the many meters in altitude were created and at the same time for the cat. I had to go back for a large part because a closed gate blocked my way at the highest point near the antennas.

So on the descent I came to the path that wasn't stony, but a mixture of clay and water that was so sticky that it blocked my wheels. I had to take the panniers away so I could clean the dirt off my fingers. After I had loaded the luggage back on, I was able to walk about a meter further until it was back to the way it was before. This is where thoughts of giving up and calling for help actually occurred to me. But then my assertiveness kicked in and I looked for alternatives. I found this too: I was simply not allowed to continue on the path but instead moved to the meadow that was coming soon. Can you imagine the relief when a house suddenly appeared in front of me with a street in front of it? All I had to do was open one gate and I was free. Albeit with a bike that looked terrible. But it still drove and I thank the manufacturer for this great quality.

Then came a special stroke of luck: I found a gas station where I could recharge my batteries in the form of an energy drink and also a car wash where I could make my bike presentable again.

Afterwards it was relatively quick and easy to get to the hotel, from where I have a great view of the famous Rock of Gibraltar.

In order to recharge my batteries, I decided to stay here for another day and then do the tour of Gibraltar tomorrow.


¿Tuve la culpa del accidente? ¿O fui yo el motivo?

He pensado en esto durante mucho tiempo. Hasta que my propios problemsas me preocupan más que estos pensamientos.

¿Pero qué pasó?

Algunas very soon the new appointment was made on the main carretera. Conduje bien por la derecha, including tenía an arcén estrecho. The product is produced in just the same way as my car, but in the opposite direction. This means that your car will be driven by the ambos carriles and the light is probably aterrizando sobre el techo. Me pareció que no había otros vehicles involucrados. En mi opinión, fue claramente mi culpa. Sin embargo, me pregunté si él se había distraído conmigo y por eso había tocado la barandilla derecha. ¡No lo sé! As a variety of vehicles are circulated between the parts and the detenener in a tie, the conduction is detenerme. ¿Habrías actuado de other manera? También llovió bastante y las calles estaban mojadas.

Por la mañana ya llovía y hacía viento. As it is desayuné tranquilamente, I puse unos impermeables pants and a cazadora y luego planeé todo. The hotel has always been open for several weeks and has an effective tenancy that can also be used to keep the light warm. 🌧️🤣😅

At that moment, Komoot asked me to leave the main road and drive along the other route. Lamentablemente is not available, as it is written by the mío. But it has a large design, as well as a book that is visible on the map. Komoot is also possible. La reality, sin embargo, fue completely different. Después de ir inicialmente ligeramente cuesta arriba por una buena carretera, estaba seguro de que era un buen camino. However, the abrupt termination and convirtión on a camino tan pedregoso that era impossible continuar, así que comencé a empujar hasta llegué al punto en el que pensé que con suerte no tendría que volver por ese camino. This means that the only thing that has continued for a long time is the camino that has always been a success.

“Soy a persona testaruda, an idiota or a fan absolute of las situations difficult? Probablemente un poco de todo. As it is, there are a lot of different heights and a different tie for the cat. You can do so in a large part by locking the door on the far side of the antenna.

As it is in the bay, it is also a camino that is not yet a pedregoso, but there is also a mezcla de arcilla and water in the pegajosa that blocks my roads. You should stop the alforjas to poder limpiarme the suciedad de los dedos. Después de volver a cargar el equipaje, pude caminar aproximadamente a metro más hasta que volvió a estar como antes. So it doesn't really matter if I take part in rendirme and health care. Pero entonces mi asertividad hizo efecto y busqué alternativas. This means: I simply don't have permission to continue on the camino, because I'm tired of the Pradera that's close to home. ¿Te imaginas el alivio cuando de repente apareció una casa frente a mí con una calle frente a ella? Everything is ten years old and it is now open and free. Aunque with a bike that is a terrible aspect. This is also functional and has a high quality fabrication.

Entonces wine and golpe de suerte especial: encounter a gasolinera donde rechargar las Pilas with a bebida energética y también a lavadero de cars donde poder dejar mi bicicleta nuevamente presentable.

With a quick and easy-to-use hotel, you can enjoy a wonderful view of the famous Peñón de Gibraltar.

To reload the batteries, you will have to wait a few days and you will have to go to Gibraltar manually.

What do I blame for the accident? Or was I the reason for it?

I thought about it for a long time. Until my own problems occupied me more than these thoughts.

But what happened?

I ended up on the main road again a few times today. I was driving nicely on the right, there was even a narrow shoulder. Suddenly there was a crash right next to me, but on the opposite lane. All I saw was a car flying across the two lanes and then probably landing on its roof. It seemed to me that no other vehicles were involved. From my point of view it was clearly his own fault. Nevertheless, I asked myself whether he was distracted by me and therefore came into contact with the right guardrail. I don't know! Since several vehicles were driving behind him and were able to stop in time, I drove on without stopping. Would you have done differently? It was also raining quite a bit and the roads were wet.

It had already been raining and windy in the morning. So I had a leisurely breakfast, put on my rain pants and windbreaker, and then started planning. The hotelier told me that it had been dry for weeks and that they should actually pay me something because I brought the rain with me. 🌧️🤣😅

At some point Komoot suggested that I leave the main road and take a different route. Unfortunately, this was not available, so I chose my own. But that was quite a detour, so I looked for a shortcut that looked pretty good on the map. Komoot also said that this was possible. The reality, however, was completely different. After initially going slightly uphill on a good road, I was sure that this was a good route. But then it ended abruptly and became such a rocky path that it was impossible to continue, so I started pushing until I got to the point where I just thought that I hope I don't have to go back. So there was no choice but to continue on the path I had taken.

Am I a stubborn person, an idiot or an absolute fan of difficult situations? Probably a bit of everything. That's how the many meters of altitude came about, and for the cat at that. Because I had to go back a large part of it because a closed gate blocked my way at the highest point by the antennas.

So on the way down I came to the path, which wasn't rocky, but a mixture of clay and water that was so sticky that it blocked my wheels. I had to take the panniers away so I could remove the dirt with my fingers. After I had loaded the luggage back up, I was able to walk about a meter until it was back to normal. At this point I actually had thoughts of giving up and calling for help. But then my assertiveness kicked in and I looked for alternatives. And I found them: I was simply not allowed to continue on the path but to move onto the meadow that was soon to come. Can you imagine the relief when a house suddenly appeared in front of me with a road in front of it? I just had to open a gate and I was free. However, with a bike that looked terrible. But it still worked and I thank the manufacturer for this great quality.

Then I had a particularly lucky break: I found a gas station where I could recharge my batteries with an energy drink and also a car wash where I could get my bike back in working order.

After that, it was relatively quick and easy to get to the hotel, from where I have a great view of the famous Rock of Gibraltar.

To regain enough energy, I decided to stay here for another day and then do the tour of Gibraltar tomorrow.

መልሲ (2)

Vielen Dank René dass du uns auch dieses Jahr mit ausführlichen Berichten an deiner Tour teilhaben lässt. Ich wünsche dir weiterhin eine (selber) unfallfreie Fahrt und hoffe, dass es nun nicht mehr regnet. Frohe Ostern aus Kriens ! Christoph

Christoph: Vielen Dank für deine guten Wünsche. Leider hat der Regen nicht aufgehört, eher das Gegenteil ist der Fall. Einen Lichtblick gibt es ab morgen. Da soll es dann wirklich trocken werden.

ጸብጻባት ጉዕዞ ጂብራልተር