Welcome to Sweden

ተሓቲሙ: 04.08.2019

Our 7-hour car journey was actually quite uneventful. Right lane, constant 90km/h, only one car overtaken, no major traffic jams, just a lot of construction sites with short stop&go's. In total, we made three stops on the 473 km journey. The first one to stretch our legs and switch seats with the passenger. The second one for a quick snack (1 sausage with bread for 4.79€! You enjoy eating something like that and everyone gets to take a bite). The third one so that Calvin could urgently inaugurate the camper toilet - everything works fine.

In Rostock at the ferry port, we finally arrived shortly after 5:30 pm. Great, 3 TT-Line lanes for check-in, 2 self-check-in, one without self .... we'll take that one, it's easier if an employee does it for us! And then stand at the very front, that way we'll surely be the first to board the ferry! After looking around and chatting with a motorcyclist from Baden-Württemberg on his way to his son in Stockholm (insane route!), we discovered something questionable: Trelleborg is written above the other two lanes, but not above ours. Hmm. And all the new vehicles are lining up in the middle lane. A short walk to the travel information provided clarification. The 3rd (our) lane is not manned, but we can easily do self-check-in ourselves at the machine with our booking number, no problem at all. We walked back to our vehicle and there was actually a car behind us, but no driver in sight. So we made a quick and impressive turnaround with our (did I mention that already?) 7.30m long vehicle and lined up at the first lane, at the very front, yes! The check-in went smoothly at 7 pm and we were directed to the pier 53, track 6. Waiting at the yellow stop line, still at the very front... it's going smoothly like an international match! We had to wait again until about 9:30 pm, but the time flew by relatively quickly, there was a lot to watch: jellyfish in the water, feet on the dashboard of sleeping truck drivers, old-looking cars driven to some event, etc. The later it got, the more our VIP spot paid off. Our ferry entered the harbor and we could perfectly see how a ship is loaded and unloaded. Amazing! However, we didn't board the ferry first, that's a whole different system. First the big trucks, then a few motorcycles, then trucks again, then a few cars, and at some point in between the campers.... and some were allowed to use the ground-level entrance, of course we went over a steep ramp. Inside the ship, the route went like an oval, at some point you stand very close behind the vehicle in front of you and you've made it. It wasn't that bad after all. We checked into our 4-bed cabin at 10 pm, an outside cabin with a view of the bow. The cabin was completely adequate, almost a bit generously designed. The function of the toilet flush provided amusing moments, but I won't go into detail here... When leaving, we enjoyed the view and the fresh wind on the upper deck before falling asleep around 11:30 pm.

Today, we were woken up between 4:15 and 4:30 by an extremely loud phone sound! Thank you, the alarms were set for 5:30! Let's doze for a few more minutes, thank you. Shortly before 6 am, we went up to the parking deck and were able to drive off the ship relatively quickly, from now on we are on Swedish soil.

Beforehand, we had already chosen a nearby campsite right on the beach, 13 km away, it's doable. Fantastic pictures of the surroundings made us excited, and after a long, exciting day with a very short night, you can start with a quiet day. Explore the functions and compartments of the camper a bit, settle in and enjoy your vacation.... that was the plan.

When we arrived at the site, we immediately inspected the beach, breathtakingly beautiful, especially at 6:30 am... However, we were abruptly awakened from our dreams when a very unfriendly man strictly shooed us away "All full! Go away! Go away!"

Damn. Plan B is needed, we quickly searched for a new destination, even if it meant driving for another hour. Whatever, let's do it. With a short stop at the big golden M for breakfast, we arrived in Höör around 9:30 am. Without any complications, we found a great pitch with power supply and sanitary facilities after 114 km, right by the lake and at a reasonable price. Since the youngest member of our gang desperately needed sleep, the remaining 3 gang members set up the domicile - meaning we took out the table, chairs, and most importantly - the awning, because you can't withstand the sun without it! This heat here! That's how you do a vacation. However, a short walk showed us that there's not much to see here, even the drone couldn't spot any interesting objects. So here we sit, enjoying the sun on our bellies, playing cards, drinking Radlers, and looking forward to grilling tonight... Oh, I hear thunder rumbling nearby and the clouds are rolling in. Let's see if there will only be bread slices for dinner...

