
The absolute madness: Liveaboard in Komodo National Park

ተሓቲሙ: 15.06.2019

Since we were diving with 10 dives in 4 days and 3 nights and enjoying more underwater and talking less, this blog can also do with fewer words... ;-)

Just so much for everyone who is interested: At the starting point in Labuan Bajo itself, there is not much more than 100 'different' tour operators to the dragons and a diving school next to each other, which all offer liveaboards and day trips. Therefore, this is actually only recommended for these tours and staying longer is rather unusual...

We booked everything a few days in advance at Wicked Divers. It includes 10 dives in the national park, food & drinks and a trip to the dragons on Rinca Island. The days always run the same way: Wake up, 1st breakfast, diving, 2nd breakfast, diving, lunch, diving, snack and then either night dive or beach clean-up and then dinner... In summary: It was great! :-D

For those who have dealt with diving in the national park, they know that Komodo is known for its strong currents. But there are also different dive sites here.. And it's just a lot of fun to dive with strong currents.. However, you should not go directly to the full/new moon, as you cannot reach some dive sites due to strong currents...

And yes, a liveaboard is a completely different experience than day trips to the respective areas... Sitting together in the evening, listening to/making music, looking at the stars, sleeping on the boat and waking up in the morning and looking out to the sea... It's just beautiful <3 and it won't be the last time for us - Raja Ampat, we're already saving ;-)

On the evening before the tour and afterwards we had dinner at the local fish market - also highly recommended! Clem was busy ordering because everything looked so good!!! .. but it was also strange to see the fish lying on the plate that had winked at us underwater the day before...

But now finally the pictures!!!

And for those who want to see some videos, here is a link to Clem's channel on YouTube, where we uploaded a few diving videos ;-)


Enjoy watching!

The view of the harbor in the morning before the safari: The anticipation was rising!
The view of the harbor in the morning before the safari: The anticipation was rising!
View of the small islands in the national park
View of the small islands in the national park... white beaches and blue water <3
The water always invited you to swim :-)
The water always invited you to swim :-)
Blue turquoise water! It makes you homesick when writing... <3
Blue turquoise water! It makes you homesick when writing... <3
From Labuan Bajo, on the far right, we went to the north of Komodo and via Batu Bolong towards Rinca and back to LB.
From Labuan Bajo, on the far right, we went to the north of Komodo and via Batu Bolong towards Rinca and back to LB.
Briefing - of course mandatory before every dive, so that everyone knows what to expect! Especially information about currents is provided..
The briefing - of course mandatory before every dive, so that everyone knows what to expect! Especially information about currents and the topography of the dive site is provided..
Everything full of different corals.. great habitats promise great dive sites ;-)
Everything full of different corals.. great habitats promise great dive sites ;-)
At one dive spot
At one dive spot 'Batu Bolong' you could find those nasty moray eels everywhere..
.. and another one..
.. and another one..
.. just plain ugly - sorry, but it is :-D
.. just plain ugly-- sorry, but it is :-D Even the little crab jumped away at the sight ;-)
Nemo is safe in the anemones!
Nemo is safe in the anemones!
How cozy it looks, like the crocodile fish sleeping in the corals...
How cozy it looks, like the crocodile fish sleeping in the corals...
Pufferfish with camouflaging pattern..
Pufferfish with camouflaging pattern..
Such a beautiful home!
Such a beautiful home!
Different corals and fish everywhere..
Different corals and fish everywhere..
Pufferfish and everything around it super colorful
Pufferfish and everything around it super colorful
Finally, on the 5th dive, it was time... Magical manta moment..
Finally, on the 5th dive, it was time... Magical manta moment..
and how huge it was... :-)))))
and how huge it was... :-)))))
Everything full of life!
Everything full of life!
Feeling good here!
Feeling good here!
... and then the sharks came.. such impressive moments!
... and then the sharks came.. such impressive moments!
Thea and her shark :-)
Thea and her shark :-)
Giant Pufferfish! The eyes were so big and cute!
Giant Pufferfish! The eyes were so big and cute!
Fascinating corals..
Fascinating corals..
.. the white fans were so beautiful! Covered in snow-like patterns..
.. the white fans were so beautiful! Covered in snow-like patterns..
Nudibranch - very small and colorful, so not quite sharp.. as big as a small finger (women
Nudibranch - very small and colorful, so not quite sharp.. as big as a small finger (women's finger, not men's finger ;-))
Schilli <3
Schilli <3
Dirty Schilli <3<3
Dirty Schilli <3<3
Sleeping Schilli <3<3<3
Sleeping Schilli <3<3<3
And then, at some point, the air ran out and we went back to the surface... sometimes we wished we had gills.. ;-)
And then, at some point, the air ran out and we went back to the surface... sometimes we wished we had gills.. ;-)
But with the first breath at the surface and...
But with the first breath at the surface and...
... with the view, you were happy!
... with the view, you were still happy!
The deer greeted us for beach cleaning..
The deer greeted us for beach cleaning and stayed close by constantly...
Sacks full! Unfortunately, everything was still full... But better than nothing..
Sacks full! Unfortunately, everything was still full... But better than nothing..
We were rewarded with a beautiful sunset <3
We were rewarded with a beautiful sunset <3
On the last day, we went to Rinca Island to see the dragons!
On the last day, we went to Rinca Island to see the Komodo dragons!
First, there was a lot of nothing..
First, there was a lot of nothing..
and then one was lying here..
and then one was lying here..
and then this whole horde came..
and then this whole horde came... attracted by the smell in front of the guides' kitchen :-)
two were having fun before that..
two were having fun before that..
and then this friend came frightfully close and we preferred to continue on our way..
and then this friend came frightfully close and we preferred to continue on our way..
Dragon food ;-)))) the small one is certainly particularly tender!
Dragon food ;-)))) the small one is certainly particularly tender!
A short walk through the landscape...
A short walk through the landscape...
led to a very beautiful viewpoint..
...led to a very beautiful viewpoint..
Group picture!
Group picture!
Yay, it
Yay, it's so much fun here!
Floodplain with mangroves
Floodplain with mangroves
W for Wicked!
W for Wicked Diving!
Our ship!
Our ship, the Shalom Komodo!
Final picture with the whole group and the dive guides!
Final picture with the whole group and the dive guides!
The catch is there and Clem is looking very carefully which squid meets his requirements (
The catch is there and Clem is looking very carefully which squid meets his requirements ('It must be big')... ;-)
'What is your favorite fish?' - 'Grilled fish'... they simply taste too good..

So those were the impressions from Komodo National Park! From here, we went to Borneo to expand our list of monkeys, hopefully adding orangutans and proboscis monkeys.. Stay tuned!

Many greetings to home - we are looking forward to seeing all of you! Only less than 10 days left - time is flying :-)

Thea&Clem <3

መልሲ (2)

Ist das krass schön! Die Bilder sehen traumhaft aus! Ach Fernweh😅😍😍 Der tauchschein lohnt sich hier so richtig. Eine sehr faszinierende Welt da unten 😍 bin gar nicht neidisch oder so... Vor allem Schildkröte, manta und hai!!! Genießt noch eure letzten Tage unterwegs ^^ liebeeee grüßeeee

Danke jess! Hoffe du hast auch die Videos gesehen. Werden wir :-) freuen uns aber auch auf zuhause. In drei Tagen gehts nach Kuala Lumpur und dann nach 4 Tagen wieder in die Heimat!

ጸብጻባት ጉዕዞ ኢንዶነዥያ