
Von allem etwas und davon ganz viel: Ohrid / North Macedonia

ที่ตีพิมพ์: 12.08.2023

08.08. - 11.08.2023 and 17.08. - 18.08.2023


Experience Ohrid bustling and relaxed. We feel right at home in 'Villa Flora' and explore the charming old town, which can be reached along the lakeshore via a green hill, the old town park. There, a mystical Orthodox chapel stands, seeming to float above the lake.

In the harbor district, Ohrid shows a completely different side: a party mile, nightlife, indulgence, and strolling are the order of the day. However, you can quickly escape by taking one of the interconnected bridges across the lake in a narrow alleyway and comfortably reclining on one of the free loungers.

Unfortunately, our super nice and affordable 'Villa Flora' no longer has a room for us that night, so we have to find a campsite by the lake for the meantime. Not so easy to find, and when we set off for an English comedy show at Jazz-in, a very nice and rustic jazz club in the old town, we are not quite sure if the water will have flooded our tent by the time we return...

Well, first we have a funny comedy evening, during which the North Macedonian comedian talks about national stereotypes and the interesting relationship between sons and their mothers on the Balkans. Of course, as Germans, we also get our fair share as red light standers, awe-inspiring uniformed individuals, and incorrigible perfectionists.

After a 50-minute nighttime march, partly through the water and over fences, to our 'campsite', I suddenly realize that I left my little bag with all my documents and money at Jazz-in. So, it's panic mode, turn back for everything. While I wait shivering in a cafe halfway, Markus sprints off. When he arrives, Jazz-in is bursting at the seams with guests. The bartenders search the entire place, presenting one bag after another, Markus becomes more and more desperate. The bag seems untraceable. And finally, the relieving grip. Markus sinks exhausted and relieved onto the counter, which prompts the bartender to offer him a vodka on the house to recover (and jokingly makes other guests suspect that he intentionally left the bag behind to secretly come for a drink 😂).

Arriving back at the tent, it seems to have already taken a few waves. But we simply don't care and go to sleep.

Fortunately, everything went well.

The next day, we take it easy and simply relax and swim at and in the beautiful lake.


Conclusion after two stays in Ohrid: you can really enjoy it here! Deeply relaxed and vibrant at the same time.

Ohrid is divided somewhat along the coast according to people's wealth. While the pebble beaches near the harbor are mainly visited by tourists from the surrounding European countries and affluent Macedonians, there are small wooden huts as accommodations on the long beach about 40 minutes away, where less wealthy families can afford a weekend by the lake. And even here, people dance at night, sit together, laugh, smoke, drink, and above all, eat for a long time and extensively.

The connecting piece between the two worlds is a steep coast, where a small group of the Rainbow Gathering Family has gathered on a small pebble beach during our second stay, who still can't get enough of being together after a month in Mavrovo National Park (or maybe they simply have no alternative). Too bad we couldn't follow Martin's invitation from three days ago. We would have gladly joined the closing ceremony for the full moon...


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