


Einmal rauf und runter im längsten Land der Erde

Wie bringt man Menschen zum Bleiben?

Wie bringt man Menschen zum Bleiben?

Manchmal vereinen 30 Minuten alle 4 Jahreszeiten in sich und ein Blick gen Himmel vermag maximal den...

No, I don't want to take the plane!

The bus had already made its way up to the border, and without any fuss, we entered a beautiful no m...

Are you familiar with this one? An Austrian is standing in Bolivia...

Early in the morning, bus station in La Paz. The day has hardly awakened yet, and calls are enticing...

A new year - a new story

Just like all those who are not here by car, I rely on the agencies that pick us visitors up in the ...

Gentle Entry

It sits there lazily, small stick-like arms hold a plump belly, and the contents of the jug seem to ...