Tag 34 - A Calle nach Monte de Gozo

ที่ตีพิมพ์: 17.05.2024

The last real day is dawning. The last long stretch before my destination in Santiago de Compostela awaits me tomorrow.
At 5am, however, everyone in the hostel was woken up because a man had done something to the bed. For almost 2 minutes, a loud banging noise could be heard from the metal frame, until there was a louder bang. Maybe he fell out of bed. No idea. But the whole room woke up. I slept a little longer and then woke up at 7:30. I got ready in peace. Everyone else had already left. I had breakfast in the hostel and then put on all my rain gear. I set off at around 8:45am.
After only 2-3 minutes I meet Tom with his accordion. We walk together in the rain for 1.5 hours and have breakfast together again. It rains almost the whole time. There are only a few short breaks in between.
Then I continue walking alone. Mainly through forests and now and then through small villages and briefly past fields. But I found a good gap between the streams of pilgrims and so there aren't quite as many people around me.
I reach Santiago airport in the early afternoon and have to walk around underneath it to the other side. For a brief moment the sun even makes an appearance. Halfway around the airport I reach the municipality of Santiago de Compostela. And after it starts pouring down again, the heavy rain is over for today. It still rains now and then, but it's quite light. Strangely enough, even when the sun comes out and there aren't any clouds above me.
Many thoughts are going on today about the last few weeks. Many thoughts about arriving in Santiago. What it will be like, who I will see there. Certainly quite a few. I'll just wait and see.
Shortly after 4pm I reach the last mountaintop, from where I see Santiago for the first time. But I only have to walk a few hundred metres further to the pilgrim accommodation in Monte de Gozo, which has an incredible 966 places. Spread across many buildings, I meet Ryan and Julie again, who are already there, and a little later David.
After we arrived, it of course stopped raining and we walked up the neighboring hill to the pilgrim monument, from where we had a beautiful view over the city.
Tomorrow morning the time has come. The last 4km to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela are coming up. I am very excited to see how it goes. It will definitely be emotional.
Cost of the day:
Accommodation 17€Breakfast 4€ Meals on the way 17€ Dinner 18€
คำตอบ (5)

Du kannst so stolz auf dich sein. Genieße den Moment morgen. Wir denken an dich und sind in Gedanken bei dir!!

Genial, Luis! Te has superado y has conseguido tu proposito. Enhora buena y disfruta el momento, sobre todo mañana. Puedes estar muy orgulloso.

Tita Maru
Objetivo conseguido!!!! Enhorabuena. Todo lo vivido: sufrimiento, dolores, alegrías, nuevos amigos y amigas, buenas y malas experiencia, todo ha merecido la pena. Felicidades campeón. Compartimos tu alegría y emociones. Buen camino hasta el Apostol

Madre mía 34 días caminando sin parar!!!! Eres un campeón! Enhorabuena es toda una aventura. 🌻

Ein Wahnsinns trip 🍀, genieß die Ankunft, bestimmt wird es ein unvergessliches Erlebnis sein. Viele Grüße 😃

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