


On my way to NZ!

Home Sweet Home

'It doesn‘t really feel like Christmas at all'

Christmas tree after Christmas tree, each one higher and more festive than the next. The central dep...

Cape Reinga - the gateway to the underworld

Our journey took us from Paihia to the (almost) northernmost point of New Zealand. We opted for a da...

A skyline in constant change

From the south of New Zealand, we continued our journey northwards, this time to the east coast of t...

Our snowball fight with Bob's Peak

After almost three weeks in New Zealand, we had actually reached the southernmost point of our trip:...

Today there is Eisbein

One would think that after four days of continuous rain, there would be a break in sight, but that's...

Berlin, Berlin, we're going to Ber.. oh wait..

Wrong capital. Wellington was today's destination of our journey.

Irgendwo im Nirgendwo

During a two-hour stopover at Tongaririo National Park, Lisa gave us the opportunity to explore the ...

The green city

Upon arrival, I was overwhelmed. We've already established that Auckland is not the most beautiful c...

Between fog and bubbling boiling pools

The sight was equally impressive and terrifying. Any plants around this spectacle were dead and sway...

We have found heaven on earth

Dragged out of our beds, we stood at the Kiwi Experience bus stop at 8 o'clock sharp - because today...

A day, two beaches, and three seasons

Since our arrival in Auckland, we haven't even seen the sun, let alone the blue sky of New Zealand.

In the middle of the jungle

It was magical, it was stunning, it was finally New Zealand.

Why Auckland cannot be the capital of New Zealand

Without having seen the rest of the country, I can still claim with some certainty that Auckland is ...

Über deutsche Sprichwörter, verlorene Gepäckstücke und erste Eindrücke

Auf zum Bus, der sich durch den Feierabendverkehr drängelte. Und dann, endlich im Hostel. Bett, Dusc...

Jetzt geht's los...

Hallo liebe Freunde, Familie und sonstige Interessierte!