Definitely waterfalls

ที่ตีพิมพ์: 12.08.2019

Today morning we rolled out of bed at 8 and finally could have breakfast outdoors again. Before that, I quickly had to put the blog online that I had written last night, but couldn't upload due to technical difficulties. I hope you can forgive me.

After the fresh air breakfast, we set off on our next stage. A quick stop at the Coop market to refresh our food supply and off we went. Today the weather was once again very changeable, rain or no rain, sun didn't matter. The route was supposed to take us towards Haugesund today, along the national road 13, on a tributary of the Eidfjord. What we didn't research or expect beforehand: one waterfall was chasing the next. One more powerful than the other. One higher than the previous one. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop at all of them to take photos and we couldn't identify all of them by name. But the two larger ones on the route were the Latefossen (drop height 165m) and the Langfossen (drop height 612m!). These masses of water falling down from the mountain are really tremendous! There were waterfalls on both sides of our road, theoretically you could have stopped and taken photos every few meters. But there wasn't a designated stopping place everywhere or the parking spaces were already full of photo-hungry tourists. However, many waterfalls can be reached on hikes, but unfortunately we don't have the time for that and the weather is not right at the moment. When I'm rich, I'll take the time to explore all of this in peace * dreaming*.

The tests weather kept getting more capricious and it was slowly time in the afternoon to head for our spot for today. We drove to the first idea suggested by our camping app, but that was not quite what we were expecting. It would be great in nice weather, as electricity, bathroom facilities and even canoe, kayak or stand-up paddle usage would be included in the overnight price. But we were not completely convinced. Check-in would be via a telephone number, we were the only ones at the site, and the hut there did not look trustworthy either. Ok, then it was directly to Haugesund. And folks, the spot here is a true joy! We are right by the North Sea, we can see ships, the rough sea, seagulls trying to fight against the strong wind... Wonderful! The weather doesn't matter much. It's a bit gloomy, strong wind is blowing, typical sea air... but we don't care about that. After we parked and connected to electricity (there's no point in putting out furniture in this wind), we went on a short hike to the "Cheeky Lighthouse". Wrapped up in weatherproof clothing, we set off, past ram's heads grazing wild, running away at every "sheep selfie" with Robby. Over stones rounded by water, canyons, and through puddles... it was really fun! When we looked at the clock, it was almost 7 o'clock. So, how do we end the evening when we can't sit outside? Hey, there's a freely accessible glass house with a Bluetooth speaker, heating, and cozy benches... almost like a glass living room. Ideal. You don't feel the wind and the cold here, you can write your blog in peace and enjoy the view of the sea. This is the good life...


คำตอบ (1)

Schön euch trotz des Wetters bei guter Laune zu sehen. Es nützt ja auch nichts. Bei schönem Wetter kann jeder. Und die Natur ist wirklich gewaltig.. Eure Beiträge werden uns als Abendlektüre fehlen. Weiter so😂😍
