Camptour 19th + 20th Part: 108 Mile House + from 108 Mile H. to Lillooet

ที่ตีพิมพ์: 13.06.2018

At 108 Mile House, we had chosen to stay at the golf resort for the night. Although calling it a golf resort was quite a stretch for the place. The 'campsite' consisted of a handful of spots at the edge of the parking lot. And the 'resort' was an older house next to it. But at least we had a nice view of the golf course. Anna and Kerstin had planned to go horseback riding at the resort's stable the next day, but since we couldn't reach anyone by phone, we took a short walk to the stable to inquire in person. The short walk turned out to be a rather long hike, we should have brought water or at least some money to buy something to drink in the temperatures ;)

The next day, we continued on to Lillooet. The scenery changed significantly. We went from a wooded mountain landscape to a dry desert landscape. The temperatures rose to just below 30 degrees and the sun beat down from the sky. Quite a change from the sub-zero temperatures in the national park.
