The Bacalar Lagoon <33 (Day 169 of the world tour)

Нашр шудааст: 21.02.2020


We had bought the bus ticket for 9:00 am and were therefore ready (as always^^) to get ready for swimming :)

We were at the bus station at 8:40 am and the bus arrived around 9:15 am. A fifteen minute delay is not alarming, but it was the first time we had a delay with a bus with a fixed departure time :O

Actually, we didn't mind because we wanted to stay in Bacalar all day anyway, and we arrived there around 10:00 am.

Bacalar is much smaller than Chetumal and we had considered staying here for the two weeks, but the apartment in Chetumal sounded better, even though Bacalar is the more beautiful place^^

As soon as we got off, we also saw that many other tourists see it similarly. There were backpackers and families who all seem to have a beach vacation here, and after the first steps we could understand why.

The village is really cute and pretty :)

For almost an hour we walked around a bit until we finally went to the lagoon, which is a huge swimming lake.

The first spot we walked to immediately became our destination, as you can walk towards the water on a long bridge like in the Raffaelo advertisement and settle down there (for free :p) <33

We liked doing that very much and the water had the perfect temperature: not bathtub temperature like in Thailand but not cold either, just a nice refreshment and ideal for splashing around!

The only thing we were not allowed to do on the bridge was eating and drinking, which we both liked very much. Because then of course there is less/no garbage in the water :) There are a few picnic tables and benches directly on land where you can have your lunch, so it was super comfortable and ideal for us.

Until the afternoon we took turns sunbathing, swimming, splashing around and snacking, and had a really nice day! Since the bus ticket costs only 2.25 € per person per trip and it was just so great there, we will probably visit there more often during our time here <33

The half hour back to the bus stop was super hot again and any refreshment disappeared, but well. That's just how it is here :D

For dinner we had the leftover spaghetti and this time with a sauce made from black beans. Actually, we wanted to mix in the crushed tomatoes, but what looked like crushed tomatoes on the package turned out to be KETCHUP -.-

Too lazy to go to the supermarket again, we had the rather questionable full-value dish that both of us didn't particularly like, but well. Next time we'll know that we have to read the tomato package packages more carefully :D :D (or we'll just buy fresh tomatoes again on the previous days and mash them ourselves^^).

Tomorrow we have another "rest day," as if we were doing something special here :D

We're looking forward to it :p


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