Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)
Besuchen Sie Europa! (solange es noch steht)

Ladies' Day!

Нашр шудааст: 28.06.2022

Alt-Uppsala was on the program today, there was no breakfast, but already around ten o'clock in the morning it was 30 degrees in the sun.

What a sweat-promoting affair that increases the strong body odor of BOSAMO!

Soon, every majestic billy goat will prefer to throw himself off a steep cliff to his death rather than wanting to make the sensory extraordinary acquaintance of the fetid traveler!

Well then, turn on Berta, eat a Chinese buffet in Uppsala and then learn something about the history of the place, that was the plan for the day.

Terribly bad plan...

After the heavy, salty food and with temperatures around 33 degrees, the Gaijin was simply delivered!

The museum visit was quickly abandoned, as it felt like 40 degrees in this hut, afterwards the burial mounds had no more interest for the ignorant one, not even a picture was taken, simply forgotten...

But it got even better!

A red traffic light, and two speed bumps were overlooked, the traveling rascal broke his headphones today and happily drove five kilometers in the wrong direction...

The reading, best colleagues might know this state of the Gaijin, when nothing works anymore, this peculiar guy is completely beside himself and just messes up one shit after another.

Yes, it's time to call it a day and retreat to the quarters.

That's definitely healthier!

But what should my dear, expensive lesbian colleagues get offered today for their beautiful eyes?

It can't be another shitty day in terms of optics!

Well, the ignoble Gaijin thought he would pick a bouquet of beautiful wildflowers for his noble, delicate, reading ladies and in this moment he wants to place it right in front of YOUR incredibly well-formed legs and say:

YOU deserve this colorful, fragrant bouquet because YOU just read these unworthy lines of an unworthy traveler and took the time for his mental diarrhea.

YOUR intellectual presence and YOUR wonderful thoughts elevate this insignificant text to a sky-spanning, radiant rainbow!

P.S.: The reading male community is allowed to internally point out the mistakes of the ignorant today!

Ҷавоб (3)

Vielen Dank für die Blumen, vielen Dank wie lieb von Diiiir 😜😘

Hab jetzt leider einige Tage nix gelesen!!! Keine Zeit im Urlaub 👍🏼 Bin aber schon wieder mittendrin in der Reise. Danke für die Blumen💐

Die Moserin.... Iiiiii Hitze ist einfach grausli.

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