All-Inclusive with Carmen and Tinita

Нашр шудааст: 16.07.2018

We have moved again! :)

The move was announced in advance this time, but we were kept in the dark until the last moment about the actual date and where we would be living :D

Well, we knew it would happen like this and we were relaxed about it. Nevertheless, our feelings were mixed. The Vallese family had taken us in so kindly that a move cannot be carried out without some nostalgic feelings. And that's not even mentioning the Sunday get-togethers, the incredibly funny and lively family harmony, the amazing food, the garden of Eden, and all the lovely cats. But well, we were optimistic, what could go wrong in this country of the loveliest people ever? (Of course, until they get in a car and participate actively in traffic, then something changes and most Paraguayans are no longer so nice, relaxed, and considerate...;) )

Well, time flies, it's July, Rachel, Fercho, and the entire Vallese family are on vacation. That means our next move is imminent, but where to? So far, we had the option of either Eric's grandfather's house or the house of a mutual friend. We didn't know Eric's grandfather, nor had we ever heard of this friend :D

In the end, it was neither of the two, and we now live directly with Eric. The funny thing is that he and his entire family have been in the USA for a month now and will probably stay there for a few more weeks. So we have the house all to ourselves - well, almost, because Carmen, Richard, and Tina are still here.

Our new home :)

Carmen, incredibly nice, really funny, and the soul of the house, has been taking care of all domestic matters (including ours :D) for decades - cleaning, washing, cooking, it's a dream! She is part of the family and lives with her son Richard (23) in a small apartment at the other end of the garden.
She would shop for us and cook according to our wishes, but so far, we have been very satisfied with her excellent cuisine proposals. So she takes care of everything - cooking, washing, making beds, and we are trying (not too much :D) to get used to not having to worry about anything anymore.

Carmen, our new family! (By the way, the only thing we are allowed to cook/bake ourselves here - aside from toast - is a birthday cake for Carmen)

And under these circumstances, we learn a completely new, lovable Paraguayan word: Malcriado - which actually means spoiled or, in the context of niño malcriado: bratty child; here it is an expression of pampering and thus, ultimately, a huge compliment to Carmen! ;)

casí malcriados :D

Tina, or Tinita, is the incredibly sweet and very affectionate dog of the house. Tina is taken to the dog spa every Thursday by the chauffeur of the house and is therefore always perfectly groomed, fragrant, and adorned with a bow around her neck. She also immediately won our hearts from the first second, clearly happy to have people in the house again, and occasionally sleeps in our bed.

Tinita with a bow from the dog groomer

Here at her favorite activity, spotting vagabond cats on the fence, and then running 4-5 laps around the pool

The house is very cozy and open, and over the years, it has been furnished with a lot of love. Lots of wood, many family photos, comfortable sofas; we immediately felt very comfortable.

Our new transitional room :)

However, the suitcases are only half unpacked, we probably won't stay here for long. When Eric and his family return, the next move is imminent. Will it be to the grandfather's place this time? We'll see.

For the moment, we are enjoying the all-inclusive package from Carmen, the fact that we have a cute dog in the house who always greets us with a wagging tail, and we are letting things come to us.

Kind regards from our new home :)
