

Нашр шудааст: 16.11.2019

Our last few days together were spent in Vancouver. The accommodation was a bit outside in Burnaby, so we had to take the Skytrain and bus for 1 hour every day to get to the city center. And one thing that was immediately noticeable is that lines form in front of the bus or metro here! Not like in Germany, where everyone wants to squeeze in first and a crowd forms in front of the entrance 😄

On the first evening, we went shopping a bit, or rather, we visited Value Village, where you can buy used goods. In Nova Scotia, I bought my winter clothes in this store for a few bucks and since Torge wanted to buy pants, I thought we'd go there first. In the end, we visited 3 Value Village stores and bought way too many clothes..😅 To fit all these things in, I had to sit on my suitcase😅 And this is the first time in my life that I bought so many pants at once! I think Canadians have short legs like me 😄

Anyway, the next day we walked around Stanley Park and across the Lions Gate Bridge. It was a beautiful walk by the water and once again we were lucky with the weather☀️ Normally, November is the rainy month par excellence.

The following day we visited the Vancouver Aquarium, where we could watch the sea lion training and the walrus feeding, and so on. After that, we went to Fly Over Canada, which was quite expensive for only 8 minutes, about $35. But it was worth it.. I wouldn't spend it a second time, but you have to experience something like that once! You sit in a row like on a roller coaster and in front of you is a huge hemisphere as a screen and then the film plays and it's like flying over Canada's forests and cities, the seats move in the air as if you were really in an airplane. Coolly done - you feel like a bird! That's how I imagine the cinemas of the future 😄

The next day we spent in the Van Dusen Botanical Garden, which would probably have been much nicer in summer or spring, but oh well..😅 on November 30th they have a light festival there and they already had a lot of fairy lights in the trees, it looked really beautiful! Later on, we went to Gastown and visited a steam clock. In the evening, we strolled through the streets and saw that the fire station was changing shifts. Since Torge is a firefighter, we went there and they were very kind and answered Torge's questions, he even got to look around the fire truck and got a patch from the fire department for his uniform. So that was a nice end to our last day 😊 This morning we went to the airport, Torge flew back to Germany at 3:30 PM and my flight to New Brunswick (back to the farm 😍🐕🐈🐖🐄🐑) is at 10:30 PM.


Ҳисоботи сафар Канада