Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal wieder weg
Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal wieder weg

Detour with surprise

Нашр шудааст: 06.07.2022

First of all, I have to apologize for the delayed report. We haven't quite got into the flow yet. In addition, we have insufficient network coverage.

It was cold last night. The bed is super comfortable for our previous camper experiences. At first, we wanted to play a round of Frisbee golf, but we still have 5 hours of driving ahead of us, and the meat still needs to be frozen 

and the things need to be stored without rattling. We set off at around 11:30. 


The sun is scorching. This kind of weather for 3 weeks would be a dream come true. Since we couldn't reach our planned campsite yesterday, we have to cover more distance today. 

We have 320 km ahead of us, which according to Google Maps will take about 4.5 hours. In Whistler 


, we make a short stop, visit the Olympic rings, 

Olympic Park 

grab a coffee to go, Hotel Aava

Insider for Remon and Schahaatz 

, and take a picture of the landmark 

. Then we continue.

So we drive following our instincts 

and suddenly the road ends. How can a highway suddenly end? It seemed strange to Schahaatz that the navigation initially showed 257 km and then suddenly changed to 287 km, but since the sweet navigation lady didn't say anything, we kept driving. And what can I say, we saw our first bear, it just crossed the road. But by the time I took out the camera, it had already disappeared onto the tracks 😭. One hour, half a marital spat, and 60 km of fuel cost us the detour to nirvana (Road ends). The locals we greeted amusedly said, "you have to go to Highland Rd...". But well, at least we've seen a bear now.

After finding the correct turnoff to the highway, we continue: up the mountain - down the mountain, 

with forest, with burned-down forests, without trees, 

with rocks - the landscape 

truly curvy and varied. 

Just like the weather - sunny and hot one minute, rainy and cool two mountains later.

The road on our route can easily compete with the roads back home, with potholes and sunken road surfaces being quite common here as well. Often, you can only drive the curves at 20 or 30 km/h, the rest of the route between 60 and 70 kn/h. At these speeds, a journey seems endless.

We haven't really arrived on vacation yet. We're both super tense and slightly annoyed. The jet lag, the long drive, the search for a place to sleep - everything is still annoying. I had read in a couple of travel reports that the travel times should not be underestimated, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

After 7 1/2 hours (- 40 min in Whistler, - 60 min detour = just under 6 hours for 340 km), we reach our second milestone, Green Lake Provincial campground. And once again, luck was on our side and we found a spot to spend the night. 

The next highlight, during our evening walk around the car, we realize that one of the beautiful chrome wheel covers is missing. Strange, we only parked briefly in Whistler, and nothing was noticeable when we left. Sure, we hit a few heavy potholes along the way, but there is nothing visible on the tires and rims.

Damn, but we'll have to keep an eye on that. Should we better remove all the wheel covers?


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