
That was Australia...

Нашр шудааст: 28.11.2023

So now my time in Australia is over. 7 weeks can go by pretty quickly. I have seen so much during this time, but when I look at the large map of Australia, I see that it was actually only a tiny part.

I sit on the plane and think about what was good, what was special and what disappointed me or what I imagined would be different.

The animals I saw were definitely great (except the cockroaches 😉). When I saw my first kangaroos near Brisbane, I was completely overwhelmed. "I saw kangaroos, I really saw kangaroos!" Over the course of the trip, kangaroos have become completely normal, almost like a cat walking around in Germany 😉. Koalas, on the other hand, have remained special. I only saw the first koalas in the zoo, but I was even more pleased when I was able to observe them in the wild. I saw dingoes, whales, echidnas, an incredible number of cockatoos, parrots, cheeky kookaburras, penguins, sea lions, lots of lizards and monitor lizards and and and... Luckily I don't have the animal that I was afraid of the whole time seen.

I visited world-famous places: I was at the Greta Barrier Reef (which was a bit disappointing), saw Uluru and was at the Sydney Opera House.

However, the landing approach to Brisbane was particularly special for me. I still remember flying over brightly lit Brisbane in the evening. I saw the city lights and could only shake my head in disbelief that I had really dared to do it. That I started this journey. However, it still took me to Sydney before I really realized that I was really in Australia.

And now that time is over and a new time begins. I'm flying to a different time zone again, now there's a 12 hour time difference to Germany. My plane lands in Christchurch - New Zealand!
