Auszeit in Spanien 2017
Auszeit in Spanien 2017

2nd week in El Cuélebre

Нашр шудааст: 24.10.2017

We have settled in well and gotten used to the daily routine. The Spanish lessons are challenging our brain cells tremendously. Currently, we are working on the imperfect and indefinite past tenses. There is hope.....

Lesson with Alfredo
Lesson with Alfredo

In Spain, there are four official languages, just like in Switzerland:

1. Castellano (Spanish)

2. Catalán (Catalan)

3. Gallego (Galician)

4. Euskera (Basque)

Our progress probably doesn't allow us to learn another language. 

We are really enjoying the many hikes. There are tours ranging from 1 to 6 hours. Here are some impressions from our 'excursions'.

It rained once. But in order to prevent forest fires and fill the empty reservoirs, we need much more rain. 

Elsbeth, Fa and Jimena

Our longest hike so far led us to a viewpoint at around 1800 meters. From here, we had a unique view of the mountains of Asturias.

Break with chorizo

Alfredo, our reliable hiking guide

We hope we're not boring you with all these landscape photos. The scenery is just so impressive.

Visiting the bar in La Peral is the perfect way to end a trip or a Spanish lesson. You could call us regulars. 



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