We found Dory

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 03.02.2017

So, I have to say: Having an alarm system in a car may be useful sometimes, but in a campervan that has been used only as such for generations, where people sleep... MOTION SENSORS!? Please, what? I haven't seen anything so ridiculous in a long time. And then you get a Japanese manual with a remote control that has only two buttons. Incredible. I checked the car's fuse box, hoping to find something... no, it's all in Japanese too. Imported car, thanks for that. I removed the battery from the remote control and manually locked the car from the inside. So far, it's working without any nocturnal alarms. Let's see how long it lasts.

But apart from that, the day was good. After we were awakened by the loud beeping and blinking, we went out and had breakfast. Actually, the breakfast part didn't happen. Next to us was a mother (her name was Heide) with her little son (Gustav, 5 years old) in their van. The little one immediately included us in his games. For 3 hours straight. Quite persistent. My girlfriend eventually left, but I kept playing. Just before they left, we painted a picture. Maybe we'll see those two again and the picture will be hanging in their van, who knows. But the memory will definitely remain!

In the afternoon, after we finally had something to eat and got ready, we went back to the beach. It's quite interesting how the sand changes with the ebb and flow. We found a huge collection of seashells and a fish skeleton - Hello Dory, we found you. That's probably all you can see here in terms of fish. Which is a shame. The water is so clear here, you could at least explore something. But without larger creatures, like a fish, it's boring. And we've had enough of seashells. And seagulls, but let's not get started on that again. Should've gotten a weapons license...

பதில் (3)

Jeden Tag ein neues Erlebnis. Schön für Euch. Bin auf die Bilder vom Van gespannt. Geht weiter auf Erkundung!!

Ja, es wird uns nie langweilig. Die Bilder kommen bald :) sind fast fertig! Machen wir, LG von Svenja und mir, auch an Erwin.

Ekliges Skelett 😄


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