Melbourne after all...

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 09.03.2018

'change is a process not an event.'

My relationship to Melbourne, it is a process indeed.

I still haven't quite found my place in the Urban Jungle yet but I'm getting there.

Being around familiar and new beautiful souls everyday, hitting the gym regularly and focusing on a healthier lifestyle in general definitely helps with adjusting.

These sweethearts treating me like a queen on my birthday.

sweet 26th.

My little Christmas elf.

I am definitely missing silence, crystal clear waves and a tan, yet Melbourne has its own charm.

It's a very green city with beautiful architecture and street art, (food) markets everywhere and around every corner there might wait a free festival for you, you didn't know about.


Christmas vibes projected on Town Hall

National Gallery of Victoria

Night Markets South Melbourne

A stroll to Point Ormond, my favorite place.

Forum on my way to work in the morning sun

St. Kilda Festival, Australia's biggest free music festival

Sometimes I get my Beach Dose after all

my new front yard, Port Melbourne
Chelsea Beach

St Kilda Beach Volleyball, Team Kiss my Ace

Known as the city that doesn't judge you because of your sex, race or look but by what coffee you drink, it has to offer heaps of unique Cafes.

In my opinion, Baristas are Angels sent from heaven. You gotta love them.

My Favorite: It's a Vacation, with the cutest logo, the friendliest people (that actually remember and spell my name right). You guys brighten up my mornings.

Glass Merchants in Balaclava

East Side, Exhibition Street Melbourne

Happy Folk, best Iced Latte.

& don't forget, what you radiate you attract.

It's ok to struggle sometimes, getting back on track is what you have to do and don't wait till someone or something comes your way, you have to figure sh** out yourself!

Peace out.

பதில் (1)

bin gespannt auf deine neue bleibe, deine neuen hausgenossinnen, und freue mich für dich, daß du bald dein zimmer für dich hast und au ch mal ein wenig ruhe. die braucht man nämlich, wenn man ständig aus sich raus geht. umzug klappt optimsl. meine helfer sind spitze, immer gut gelaunt und packen an. ich ziehe quasi auch in ein neues zimmer in der peco. sobald eingerichtet folgt foto. haus wird immer leerer. sieht schön aus, mit so wenig möbeln drin.


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