My life situation and the two orientations

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 01.02.2024

Before I talk about what happened yesterday and today, I would first like to tell you how I actually live here. The Galhons live in a large house on a hill and the house also has a large basement that is on the slope and has a direct exit to the outside. We guest students live mainly in the basement, consisting of a central small living room with a bathroom, a bedroom and an adjoining room separated by a sliding door. I sleep in the next room and Chema lives in the bedroom, although he is out of the house practically all day and Yuma sleeps in a completely different room, I practically live here alone all day. So I wake up in the morning, Indi and Sanjiv are already at work, so I'm completely on my own, almost like I live alone. In the central room there is also a small kitchen with a refrigerator and snacks in the drawers and a washing machine and dryer.

  1. Orientation was at Upland High School at 12:30 yesterday. The way there by bus is relatively long, so Yuma and I left relatively early with the 95 bus and later changed to the 4. At the event itself, we mainly only talked about things that I already knew, a.k.a. rules etc. What was cool about the whole thing was that I was able to get to know many of the other students abroad. After the event, Yuma and I got off the bus early and went to a Walmart. Walmart was a surreal experience as I have never seen a supermarket of this size. After buying snacks and drinks we went back home, ate tacos and I went to bed early.
  2. This morning I set an alarm for 7 a.m. because the information event at Spectrum started at 8:45 and we had to take the bus there first. Spectrum itself is a very cool school and it feels unusually large, because even though it has fewer students than Grootmoor, it feels MUCH bigger because it is one big building. After we explored the school a little, orientation began, the process and other rules were explained to us, I received my timetable and we received school Google accounts. Afterwards we were shown the school in groups of 8 and introduced to our rooms. Afterwards we had pizza and we were released.
  3. After the event, I went to a game store with Yuma and two others (my highlight of the day) but I didn't buy anything (yet), then we went to Walmart again, I went home and chilled out for the rest of the day and that's it for today.
  4. Tomorrow I have to get up early and have my first real day of school. I'm looking forward to it

பதில் (8)

Moin Jannik, toll geschrieben. Es gent dir offenbar sehr gut da drüben. Wie lange brauchst du insgesamt zur Schule? LG aus der Heimat

Ich habe noch Fragen: wer ist Yuma und wer Chema und wieso ist der den ganzen Tag weg?

Die Fragen waren von mir, Papa

Hallo Jannik, Dein Tag ist ja gut gefüllt. Ich hoffe Du hast Spaß an der Schule. Vielen Dank für den Bericht. Reni

Ich wünsche Dir einen tollen ersten Schultag 😘

Dein Zimmer und Euer Gastschüler-Bereich sehen ja ganz gemütlich aus. Kocht und kocht esst ihr dort auch zusammen oder macht ihr das in großer Runde mit der ganzen Gastfamilie?! LG Karin

Bin gespannt was als erster Gamestore-Kauf getätigt wird… 😉

Hey Jannik, sieht für mich alles durchdacht und liebevoll gemacht aus. Da hast du es anscheinend sehr gut getroffen, klasse! Viel Spaß weiterhin, liebe Grüße aus der Heimat von Anke & Tobi

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