First couple of school days and the first weekend

வெளியிடப்பட்டது: 06.02.2024

Instead of going through all the details day by day, I'll just explain a normal school day and explain everything during that, because it's pointless to say, 'And then I got up and then I had breakfast, etc.', no one wants to hear that, so I'll skip that.

So usually I go to bed between 10:00 and 10:30 the night before, which is REALLY early compared to at home, but I have my reasons for it, because I don't want to accidentally fall asleep in the morning and I don't want to get tired during the day.

So I set my alarm for 7:00 am, but I usually wake up around 6:50 from Yuma and Chema's noises in front of the partition, so I usually get up then. I have breakfast, get ready and pack my things, then I have about 10 to 15 minutes of free time and then I walk with Yuma for 10 minutes to the bus stop and take the bus to school. So I usually leave the house around 7:50-8:00 and the classes start at 8:35.

A school day is always divided into 4 blocks and I have the same 4 subjects every day, but not in the same order. So sometimes the order is Block A, B, C, D or sometimes B, A, D, C, and so on.

A block is always 80 minutes long and I have a 10-minute break between classes to walk to the next classroom.

My blocks are:

A: Criminology: Practically speaking, Criminology is the science of crime. We talk about the history of crime, punishments, and different ways to commit crimes (including murder). Forensics is also part of it. However, this is a course for 12th graders, which obviously I am not, but the material is not too difficult and I don't have any problems with the language, so it's fine.

B: Physics. Also a course for 11th and 12th graders. So far, the material is very easy and sometimes things that I already did in 9th grade, but that may change, I don't know yet what we will do. So far we have only discussed units.

C: Math. It's math. That's it. Oh yeah, but one time my math teacher played Angry Birds during class (although we only do material that I already did in the first half of 10th grade, so it's very easy).

D: Entrepreneurship and Business Marketing. It's a bit difficult to explain what we do in this subject, but basically the name already says all the important things. This is currently my favorite subject and I have already met some nice people here, but I haven't necessarily made friends yet.

Between blocks, I also have a 35-minute lunch break once a day and the food here is sooo much better than the school cafeteria at home (pictures are attached), but you can only pay with cash, which has caused some problems.....

So far, Saturday has been my most eventful day. Today I went to the city center with Yuma and two of his friends. First, we went to eat delicious ramen and then we went to the town hall. The city center was beautiful, but Victoria has a pretty big homelessness problem, which you could really tell. After that, we just wandered through the city and visited various shops. (Pictures attached) and later we went to H&M again (Sora wanted to go there) and then home.

On Sunday, I only did one thing, something I had never done before. I went for a walk and explored the surrounding nature and climbed around. I think I explained a lot in the videos, and that should be enough, but I unexpectedly had a lot of fun, especially because of the freedom to explore everything I wanted. I also did laundry today.

After the eventful weekend, Monday was pretty uneventful and there's not much interesting to report.

Until next time...

Your Jannik

பதில் (7)

Hallo Kleiner! Prima Bericht, du und freiwillig spazieren gehen?! Respekt. Sind das kleine Eidechen auf den Bildern? Hast du hier versucht Videos hochzuladen, von denen Du sprichst? Wenn ja sind die leider nicht sichtbar. Weiterhin viel Spaß, du Kriminologe! Was für ein ungewöhnliches, aber interessantes Schulfach. Alles Liebe aus der Heimat :-)

Toll Dein neuer Bericht und sehr informativ. Mittags esst ihr in der Schule und am Wochenende? Kocht Ihr selber, ist ja eigentlich alles da. Weiterhin eine schöne Zeit, liebe Grüße Reni

Jannik! ;) Toller Bericht, sei stolz auf Dich - wir sind es auch. Christian

Kurzer Nachtrag. Du schreibst von Videos. Die finde ich hier nicht... Christian

Die kann ich auf Vakantio nicht hochladen, habe ich festgestellt. Ich trage die später auf einem privaten YouTube kanal nach. Der link steht dann im nächsten Post

Hey Jannik: Danke für deinen ausführlichen Bericht. So wie es aussieht kommt bei dir keine Langeweile auf. Weiter alles gute! Liebe Grüße. Opa 👍🍀😄

Liebe Grüße von Omi und Opi

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