
Culinary and musical extremes

Imechapishwa: 20.05.2024

The flooding on the Moselle has put a damper on our plans. All campsites are closed - including the Holländische Hof in Senheim, which we wanted to go to tomorrow. There are few alternatives. Angelika, a new member of the travel committee, has asked dozens of campsites in the area about free pitches. In vain. Flooding, Whitsun, too short notice. Fortunately, the campsite where we are staying here in Fachbach has capacity available. And so we will just stay a few more days on the Lahn.

There is plenty to see here. Today we cycled to Nassau, a small town with 5,000 inhabitants, nestled between Koblenz, Bad Ems and Limburg an der Lahn, and whose history begins many centuries before our era. Of course, Nassau Castle stands out among the many sights. It was built in the 12th century and was extensively restored in the 1970s and 1980s after being destroyed in World War II. The obligatory city tour with a coffee break was of course a must before the return journey.

However, it was smart to save some appetite, because the first real club meal was due to take place in the evening. Gerd and Ute cooked up a big meal: fresh spring salad, goulash with pasta and potatoes, ice cream with cream and homemade raspberry sauce. How the two of them manage to do it all again and again in their improvised outdoor kitchen is almost like magic. After all, they have to feed 40 hungry gourmets. But it was the same as always: there was only praise and this time even a standing ovation.

Afterwards, Ricci called together the infamous singing group of the European motorhome enthusiasts . Irmi on the guitar had her hands full trying to make out the melodies of the various songs in the confusion of voices. "It doesn't have to be right - it just has to be fun," said one participant who did not want to be named. We can only agree with him. Hardly a note was right - but it was a lot of fun.


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