
Meeting, return journey.

Imechapishwa: 28.06.2023

On Tuesday, I only had 80 km to drive, but I made it 150 because I took small but nice side roads. The landscape started to change again. The sandy or gray rock slowly disappeared, and the landscape became greener and greener. Pine forests. Unlike deciduous forests, they don't take the heat. It’s always several degrees cooler in the deciduous forest.

At some point around noon, I reached the campsite where I will meet my son Lenard and his girlfriend Anne. They are traveling here by car with a roof tent.

It was a very beautiful place with only 35 pitches, a little alternative. Next door was a luxury camping resort, caravans and mobile homes close together, following the motto of not wasting any space.

Our pitch was the better choice.

Okay, first unload the motorcycle and hang up the hammock. Take a break and let the sweat dry.

Set up the tent, arrange it, etc. Then take a break until Lenard arrived.

His tent was quickly set up, Anne and he are a great team, working hand in hand.

Then we sat together for the rest of the evening, cooked, talked.

Lenard and I served as mosquito food, Anne was spared.

Mosquito repellent was the order of the hour.

I was lucky with my tent, not a single mosquito bothered me during the night, but it was different for the two of them. In the roof tent, there were apparently 4 weak points through which mosquitoes could enter. Anne looked pretty bitten in the morning.

Lenard then sealed the loopholes with duct tape.

Yesterday was a relaxed day. We rode bicycles to a beautiful beach and spent a few hours there. Then we did some shopping and went out for dinner together in the evening.

I think the last night was mosquito-free for both of them. Anne, however, still had to deal with the bites from the day before. It seems that it starts itching for her a day later.

This morning it was time to say goodbye. After breakfast and dismantling the tent, I continued my journey north.

Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria were on the tour plan for today.

Somehow, I am losing interest. The smell of the stable becomes too strong. Tomorrow I will reach Germany.


Ripoti za usafiri Austria