
Peru and the jungle

Imechapishwa: 04.04.2018

Currently we are in Peru. The entry was quite easy because from Copacabana it was only 7 km to the border. It was also quite relaxed. The bus went to Puno, which was so ugly that we decided to continue immediately. So we managed to get one of the last tickets to Puerto Maldonado. The bus was packed and completely overheated. The trip went overnight and lasted a good 13 hours. Arriving in Puerto Maldonado, we first thought we were in the wrong movie. Totally ugly and not touristy at all. We had to search for a while, but then found a very attractive accommodation with a pool and a view of the beloved jungle for 20 euros per night. There we could book the long-awaited jungle trip and that's where we are now. First by boat to the lodge, then lunch, then the first walk. We didn't see any animals. Then, after dark, we went down the river again by boat and saw caimans. Then we had dinner and then a night walk where we found tarantulas and poisonous frogs. Tomorrow morning at 5 am we will continue to the parrot spot. It's really a great thing, but when you see a few meters further deforested trees because the lodge wants to expand, you also feel guilty because you contributed to it. Since I have been donating for the rainforest for 18 years, I wanted to see it personally once. We were told that Peru protects 70%, I hope it stays that way. The rainforest is really impressive and humans should slowly become aware of its importance before it is too late.
