

Imechapishwa: 14.01.2022

After 3 days in the familiar Mae Haad, today is moving day to Sritanu.

Sritanu, located in the southeast of the island, is the stronghold of the yoga and esoteric scene on Koh Phangan. Here, the scene is characterized by young people between the ages of 20 and 35, alternative, spiritual-esoteric, and neo-hippies - young, fit, and slim 😉. Styling and the right outfit are highly emphasized. The scene seems to have its own dress code, including tattoos.

There is much more going on here than in the picturesque Mae Haad. Along the main road, restaurants and cafes in Western style alternate with Thai shops such as laundries or scooter workshops. There are several supermarkets, Western-style boutiques, hair salons and currency exchange offices, even a covered outdoor gym. There is always life on and off the street.

We check into our bungalows, as expected in the rear area and not in the front line by the beach. We can't afford that here. The resort itself is very nice, located right by the beach, which consists of very fine, almost powdery sand. Depending on the sunlight, it reflects so strongly that you can hardly open your eyes without sunglasses. This is how I imagine the Caribbean.

We were able to get the hut here at a very reasonable price, normally you pay considerably more, and yet it is more expensive than the one in Mae Haad. However, it is slightly larger and in much better condition. But like the previous one, this one does not have a wardrobe or a shelf, so I ask for a side table, which is promised to me but only provided after further inquiries in the evening.

After setting up temporarily, we go for a swim at the beach, where it is quite windy unlike in Mae Haad. Unfortunately, we didn't find the ring that Darshi lost during our first visit here.

The beach and our resort seem to be very popular with families with young children. Several of them have rented the front elegant bungalows and occupy the few loungers and shaded areas early in the morning. I might hang out more at the beach if there were more shade, but it's not too bad either, the hammock in front of my hut is also very cozy and always in the shade.

Later we explore the surrounding area, walk along the busy main road in both directions. There are all kinds of shops, run by both Thais and Westerners. It is very easy to recognize the well-designed, artistic style of the Westerners, while the Thai shops are much simpler in design.

In the evening, we have trouble finding a suitable restaurant, not because there are none, but because almost all of them only offer vegan dishes and Darshi really wants to eat fish. This is probably due to the huge number of yoga people. Luckily, we find a shop where it is possible, and it also tastes good. But that was the last option, I wouldn't have wanted to walk any further.


#sritanu #thailand #koh pangan