
Stop the luxury!

Imechapishwa: 05.08.2016

We were served the self-shot moose in goulash form and it tasted excellent as expected! We were spoiled with food for the next few days, but more on that later. On Wednesday, we were allowed to go to the shooting range with our host and try shooting ourselves. It's not comparable to shooting with an air rifle at the carnival, as our ammunition is even allowed for moose hunting. We all did quite well, with one of us hitting the bullseye on all 6 attempts from 100 meters away and would now be allowed for moose hunting. In the evening, we were invited for dinner again, and we had delicious trout from the lake where we tried our luck fishing ourselves. Because we enjoyed hiking so much last time, we decided to do it again yesterday. This tour even turned into a real adventure as we got a little lost. But after losing and finding small paths multiple times, our unique sense of orientation led us back on the right track with a cross-country trip. At 7:00 pm, we were invited for one last dinner, and there was another self-shot dish! This time it was roe deer leg, which was as delicious as always and just the beginning of a very fun evening. However, we also didn't have the luck to encounter a moose on the way home for the third attempt. This morning, we said goodbye with a heavy heart to our cozy wooden cabin. At this point, we would like to thank our hosts again, who took excellent care of us! We received 1.5 KG of luxury chocolate from an anonymous sponsor, and with this supply, we are now on our way to Sweden. It is noticeable on the streets that there are above-average number of 'Tesla' cars driven here, which probably reflects the high prosperity of Norwegians. But possibly also their connection to their incredibly beautiful nature, which they do not want to burden additionally. For us, the luxury ends now and it's back to the familiar tent!

Jibu (1)

Toll, dass ihr so viel Gastfreundschaft genießen konntet. Nach Tagen in der "Wildnis" schmeckte die abwechslungsreiche Küche bei euren Gastgebern sicherlich doppelt gut. Schön, dass ihr das im fernen Norwegen erlebt habt. LG Martin und Bettina
