

Imechapishwa: 10.02.2024

Today we will go to the Muonio town in the afternoon at -21°, walk to the church and visit the Swiss bakery. It was founded about 15 years ago by a Swiss couple and spreads something like coziness in an area where "guesthouses" are completely missing in the cozy sense. Here people meet in the cafe of the gas station, where there is also some cake, sometimes burgers and even more rarely a menu. Gas station coziness, that's it.

Then we buy something at one of the two supermarkets and march "home". On the way, the ÖAMTC calls. The nice lady says that we have received an offer from the Finnish club and the deductible for the towing would be €500 (we already knew that from the Finn who called this morning). The lady said that €500 deductible is already a lot and they try to find a workshop closer, which would of course be fine for us.

Today's meal is reindeer stew with rice. I have time to cook ...

We saw during the walk that there is also a cross-country ski trail here. Tomorrow we will probably run a few kilometers, although the thermometer will drop below -20° again tomorrow.

Time goes by and we are eagerly waiting for Monday: what will it bring? Can they repair our car in the foreseeable future? 🤔

Many questions that keep you awake for some time when they arise during the night ... 😨

Jibu (3)

Ihr Armen!!! Gerne würden wir euch unterstützen ... Wenn ihr einen "Transporter" braucht.... Alles Gute jedenfalls und lasst die Köpfe nicht hängen! Ihr macht trotzdem eine wunderbare Reise! LG Brigitte und Gerhard

Hallo, Sihorschs! Danke für das Angebot! Wir sind nicht arm, nur reich an Erfahrungen😅! Jetzt warten wir einmal den morgigen Tag ab. Wir hoffen, die Finnen lassen uns nicht hängen! GLG. Irene und Wilfried

Hallo, am Ende des Tages muss man doch wieder auf die Rentiere zurückgreifen 😉 Wir drücken euch die Daumen und hoffen das beste morgen ….. Durchstarten und weiter Ganz liebe Grüße aus der verregneten Heimat