Monis kleine Worldtour
Monis kleine Worldtour

Kayaking katika Halong Bay

Imechapishwa: 01.03.2018

Arriving in Hanoi early in the morning, we immediately boarded the bus to Halong Bay. Since we couldn't check into our room yet, we had a hearty and delicious breakfast first. Afterward, I took a stroll around the area and discovered a great amusement park with many flowers, which I definitely wanted to visit in the evening after the tour.

Zum Mittag startete die Tour raus zu den Felsen. Erst bekamen wir ein reichhaltiges Mittagessen, dann kamen wir an den berühmten küssenden Felsen vorbei. Wir fuhren noch eine Weile durch die traumhafte Felsenlandschaft auf Wasser bis wir einen Stopp machten, um mit dem Kajak die Buchten abzupaddeln. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß dabei und machten uns gegenseitig nass. Die Buchten und Höhlen waren atemberaubend und sehr still. Man hat richtig die Ruhe spüren können.

Once on the boat, we dried ourselves in the sun until we made another stop to visit a cave. It was impressive and quite large.

On the way back, the weather cleared up, so we were able to see a beautiful sunset. Once we were back at the hotel, I immediately went to the amusement park to ride some roller coasters. I went alone since no one from the group wanted to join. Since it was not crowded, I could ride every roller coaster without having to wait in line and sometimes even ride completely alone. Unbelievable!! But it was a holiday, like Christmas for us. Everyone is at home with their family. I met the others for dinner at the Italian restaurant and then fell asleep instantly.


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