Friends Santiago

Imechapishwa: 26.10.2017

With very little sleep and a three-hour delay, we arrived in Santiago de Chile in the deep of night. After getting some rest, we explored the lively city center. After the calm towns in Patagonia, the big city chaos was too much for us, so we relaxed in our accommodation. in the evening, we went to meet our new friends Milena and Francisco, whom we had met in Rio. They had offered for us to stay with them for the time. On the first evening, they showed us their city: first, we had delicious Chilean food in Bellavista, accompanied by the obligatory and super delicious Pisco Sour as an aperitif. Jonas enjoyed a Bistec al pobre (steak with onions and fried egg) and Marina enjoyed a travel stew with corn, beef, and vegetables. After that, Milena wanted to show us a typical Chilean dive bar, and we all had a Terremoto ("earthquake" = wine, ice, and grenadine), and we immediately understood why everyone there was already completely drunk when we arrived. However, we still indulged in a nightcap before happily walking back to their home, chatting away. Milena and Francisco also made time for us on the following days of the weekend; they showed us Santiago from above, we took walks together, enjoyed delicious meals cooked by Francisco, and on Sunday, we all went to Valparaiso together. Valparaiso is an artistic city on the Pacific coast with a large port. We strolled through the alleys together, took a funicular to the port, and enjoyed the magnificent view. The next few days were relaxing; we did a wine tasting at the Concha y Toro vineyard and cooked goulash and dumplings for our dear hosts on our farewell evening, who had become very dear to our hearts. So saying goodbye at the airport was very difficult for us!

Jibu (1)

Hallöchen ihr zwei Ist ja oberhammergeil was ihr so erlebt....noch ganz viel Spaß...und passt auf euch auf. LG Conny

Ripoti za usafiri Chile