
School outing :)

Imechapishwa: 27.05.2017

Yeahhh no school on Friday! Because the entire language school went bowling. Since I am one of the few who does not have a bicycle (and apparently looked helpless), they printed out for me which bus and train I should take. We were divided into teams of 4 (it was noticeable that the 'white' people were all in separate groups. Coincidence?!) After two rounds, it was clear that I was not the winner :D But it was fun, despite the annoyed Roman, who lived out a German virtue, complaining, a little too much (just because we started later).

Afterwards, the four of us went out to eat in the city (without Roman :P) and then to the pedestrian zone. Or rather: to a Pachinko hall. Pachinko halls are simply halls where there are slot machines and arcade games. Usually, a game costs between 100 and 200 yen. I even won at the drum game :)

Jibu (1)

Hallo Sandra, heute hatten wir ein Medenspiel in Wörth. Eine unserer Gegnerinnen war Japanerin. Eine gute Spielerin, lebt schon seit 20 Jahren in Deutschland, ihre Tochter arbeitet und lebt in Tokio. Du siehst die Welt ist klein. Ich wünsche dir noch viel Spaß. LG Moni Seb.