India Life Stories
India Life Stories

Old Delhi and Street Food

Imechapishwa: 12.01.2023

The many new impressions and experiences do not let me sleep at night. Therefore, I am quite disheveled in the morning, but a warm porridge with banana still helps to start the day with energy.

Nevertheless, today I venture into the narrow alleys of Old Delhi. My companion this time is Mohinder, also a couchsurfer, who shows me the best street food places. Later, here is a list of the food I was allowed to try today.

Fascinated, amazed, shocked, sad, overwhelming, overwhelmed - on this day, all feelings come together. Impressions that need time to sink in and for which I currently have no words ...

I make my way back alone by tuktuk and I am proud of myself that I manage to get through without being ripped off and that I even confidently master the last walk through Main Bazar Road without distractions.

Without couchsurfing, I would probably be quite lost here in Delhi.

Another day comes to an end... There is a lot to digest.


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