
Day off in Gijon

Imechapishwa: 03.10.2021

Day off in Gijon, and ..... our wedding anniversary. It's a strange feeling for me that we're not together today. The photo with Monika is not from Gijon, but it reminds me of this special day and a beautiful shared vacation in Apulia (also a very worthwhile destination).

The day starts off quietly (no pilgrims setting off in the early morning), well-rested, in the hostel, I can only repeat, with a breathtaking view of the sea. In the breakfast room, there is only Andrew from Dublin, who is also on the Camino. We talk a little while we enjoy a leisurely breakfast.

Then it's off to the city, a little tour is on the agenda.

Surprising again and again, who (again) you meet. Francisco and Michael are on their way to a massage, also a nice change of pace ---- pure enjoyment. I find a supermarket that is open on Sundays and stock up for today and tomorrow. Back at the hostel, chilling (with a view of the sea 🌊) and writing in the diary is on the agenda.

And then I jump into the waves, after all, why else did I pack my swim trunks. The weather is fantastic, beautiful sunshine and the water is clear and....... quite fresh; it is October after all. 'Only the tough ones come into the garden'...., but after the second time swimming, it's enough. At the hostel, I treat myself to 2 coffees and a sandwich, oh yes, and a hot shower....... the world is beautiful.

In the evening, I decide to go to the same Italian restaurant, because it was very good yesterday and I haven't gone through the menu yet. However, there are differences compared to yesterday. This time I sit inside the restaurant since it's significantly cooler today than the 22 degrees yesterday, and today I only have 1 glass of red wine, along with a bottle of water, yesterday I had a bottle......... of red wine. God, I slept well, but tomorrow the Camino continues for me and I want to be fit and get up earlier than today.

Conclusion: The day off was worth it, Gijon anyway.
