
...so slow, I can't think of a title anymore ;-)

Imechapishwa: 12.02.2017

So, I guess this will be the second to last entry in the 'AbenteuerMorgenland' blog.

Unfortunately, it still says 'let's see' - whether there will be a revival in the summer ;-)

But now we're also looking forward to going home - we've lived here well, but it always feels more like a dormitory, so a home. (Certainly it's different if you stay there longer, settle in a bit more personally, and above all 'allow' yourself to arrive and feel at home). Besides, in such a mixed roommate situation as we have here again, the 'hygiene' factor is always a topic ;-)

And the separate living situation (which we managed quite well) is also exhausting and annoying in the long run. Fortunately, if we come back, we might finally be able to officially live together here.

As for our apartment at home - the question of the new tenant for Janine's room has fortunately also been clarified - that took up quite a bit of time in the last two weeks,.. when we always had to have Skype conversations with potential new tenants in the evenings.

So, as it always is, we will probably go with a laughing and a crying eye ;-)


                      Janna and Susann - wrapped up thickly during field work

We haven't missed the winter at home so far ;-) Although it has also noticeably cooled down here. The thermometer still shows over 20°C (mostly around 24, 25 during the day), but in the wind and during field work it can get quite chilly.

Last week, several of our field trips had to be canceled due to the weather. So we were pretty happy when we finally got into the field last Wednesday - among other things, to do the last surveys for the mussels. In the end, unfortunately, we went diving less scientifically than hoped - that was due to different things, I won't list them here now ;-)

I also brought back some of the mussel shells to the reef - after all, it's calcium that belongs in the ecosystem ;-)

                                      Mussel throwing ;-)

Last weekend we went diving again with our buddies from DiveJeddah.

This time we went out to a wreck (the Ann Ann) and a reef (Coral Garden) again from Jeddah by boat. We were particularly looking forward to the wreck, which is one of the most beautiful in the area. One dive was unfortunately a bit too short to explore everything exactly - but we still had a lot of fun underwater.


Unfortunately, there were no sharks, as you can occasionally see there. But on the way back, a group of dolphins accompanied us again! ;-)


We were lucky with the weather, because the rest of the weekend it was pretty cloudy, gray and a bit windy again. Besides a short visit to the lab to measure samples, we were lazy, watched movies and rested ;-)

If we're not diving ;-) we're sitting at the laptop, typing diligently and trying to get as much done as possible while we're here. The goal is still to publish the data we've collected in the form of a scientific paper. That would be a great result of our time here in any case (whether they take us here or not).

Once we're back in Germany, there will be plenty of other things to take care of - so the next few months certainly won't be boring ;-)
(but when was it ever boring for us...)

If I manage to, there will be one last short report next week.
But now we'll try to enjoy the last week as much as possible, soak up some sun, maybe go to the movies again and take a trip to KAEC.

See you soon back in Germany and best regards

Felix and Susann
