
Etappe 106: From Taran-Bazar to Izboskan

Imechapishwa: 25.05.2022

The next morning we set off early from Taran-Bazar as the family had an appointment. We avoided going through the city center of Jalal-Abad again. Since all roads to Kazarman were obviously closed for us, the only remaining option to the north was the main road to Toktogul. The main road between Osh and Bishkek should be free (we decided not to ask locals again...). The main road between Bazar-Korgon and Kotshgon-Ata was more like a gravel road, full of potholes and dusty, so we couldn't really enjoy the afternoon. Later, we received another offer for overnight stay, and two locals even wanted to slaughter a sheep for us. But this time I vetoed it because I had arranged to talk to Laura and I knew I wouldn't have reception in their area. So we continued, although Aman would have liked to accept the invitation. In our next relationship conversation, I explained to him that our destinies were not tied to each other and that we could separate and meet again at the next opportunity. He understood that easily, but we also agreed that we enjoyed each other's company. In the evening, we found a few small markets near Izboskan (on the Uzbek side) and a nice campsite by the river. We took the opportunity for a little river bath, and afterwards I felt much better! The many small funnel-shaped holes in the sand made me suspect that there were ant lions there. Later, of course, we cooked again. In the dark, we could observe thunderstorms from different sides, but we were mostly spared.


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