
PlanLoser...VIII "the bank robber starts a new chapter"

Publicerad: 14.12.2019

PlanLoser...VIII resembles the posts Planlos...III and PlanLoser...IV. It happened again, something SCANDALOUS like the scandal in the red light district. It happens in the superlative form of this blog -> Planlos -> PlanLoser -> on the plan...?! No idea, but first things first.

On the way to Perth or more precisely to our new abode, we turned right and left from time to time to capture new things and impressions of Australia.

Gumtree Greenough
Gumtree Greenough
Green Head
Green Head
Green Head
Green Head
Pinanacles Desert
Pinanacles Desert
Pinanacles Desert
Pinanacles Desert
Many young palm trees in Palm Land
Many young palm trees in Palm Land

Turning is fun, more fun than always going straight. Don't get me wrong, going straight is also fun here. But the icing on the cake is always when it comes to turning. Usually or actually always you come across a beautiful place by the sea, a viewpoint and, with luck, everything is combined and within walking distance.


Back in Lancelin, but at a different campsite, Spastgal enjoyed a book...


...and I was waiting in vain for the wind. Of course, the wind came, but my lines had been torn. This has to wait until Perth, because only there is replacement material available.

In the evening, as often before, we enjoyed the sunset. Sometimes you sit there alone and sometimes you feel like in a cheesy love movie in the cinema.

Sunset Lancelin Seaside
Sunset Lancelin Seaside

As soon as the sun was down, we leisurely embarked on the moon tour, turned 180 degrees...

Moonrise Lancelin Landward
Moonrise Lancelin Landward

The next morning, only 2 days left until the car return, we decided to drive to Perth, to our last campsite. It was located in Rockingham. But before that... Exactly!! Turn right and left again.

National Park Guilderton
National Park Guilderton

In the national park and with a keen eye, we visited koalas, birds, and kangaroos.

National Park Guilderton
National Park Guilderton
National Park Guilderton
National Park Guilderton
National Park Guilderton
National Park Guilderton

In the late afternoon, after we had visited everything and done all the shopping, such as buying food and new kite lines...

Bar repair
Bar repair was time to go to the campsite.

Assembling the new kite lines
Assembling the new kite lines

With everything repaired and a good meal, it was time to go to bed. When we got up in the morning, it was already hot, around 40 degrees plus. We decided to make full use of the car again, to check out nearby spots, cafes and other places. Like most Australians, it was simply about keeping cool with the air conditioning in the car.

Safety Bay
Safety Bay
Swan River
Swan River
View of Perth
View of Perth
Woodman Point
Woodman Point

At Woodman Point, we met Julian. A brilliant guy who is traveling as a work and traveler and enjoying life between work and kiteboarding.

Julian's home

A little chat and exchanging numbers. Soon it becomes clear... one hand washes the other :-)

Rockingham you sly devil

The last night is here. We are looking forward to returning the Mercedes, picking up the new car, and checking in at the AirBnb.

The night and also Friday the 13th

•02.00am woken up from sleep

•02.15am checked that our wallets and other people's wallets were stolen.

•02.30am all cards were blocked.

•03.00am Spastgal's wallet was found by Yves in the trash (he learned that from the movies).

One part is complete
One part is complete

•03.30am Yves can't sleep and orders new cards.

•04.00am now everyone can sleep again.

•07.30am police arrive, but can't do anything 🤷‍♂️👍

Easy, now it is what it is and had to be.

•10.00am packing up, eating something, and heading to the airport to pick up the new car.

•12.00pm car cannot be picked up because we don't have any documents and Spastgal is 7 months too young 🤦‍♂️

•12.30pm PLANLESS and angry

•13.30pm on the way back to the material depot at the AirBnb

The wildfires are starting on the west coast
The wildfires are starting on the west coast

•13.31pm wildfires start in Perth.

•14.00pm checked in and already on the way to the car drop-off location.

Accident report form
Accident report form

Despite the dent and a lot of trouble, we were able to return the car positively. Thanks Apollo!

•16.00pm Julian picks us up and earns his money this way. We hired him as a "driver" as long as we don't have any ID documents.

Thanks Julian for your help, we are looking forward to many more sessions with you on the water🤙

Julian's to-do's
Julian's to-do's

He taught himself to kiteboard accordingly. Crazy! and showed us his journey so far.

Our new abode🤗

Our new abode🤗

•17.30pm arrived again at our house built in 1902

Front yard
Front yard
Balcony view of the theft campsite
Balcony view of the theft campsite

•19.00pm completely exhausted from Friday the 13th without IDs, money, and documents, we sit there satisfied and look forward to the next chapter....

A new chapter begins...
A new chapter begins...

1 month of settling down in Rockingham/Perth.


Svar (8)

Und dänn händs en deetglah, ohni Pass und ohni Gäld Es isch emal en Tubel gsi, dä isch am Bode kroche S'hät em öper s'letschte grosse Abentüür verschproche Er isch dräckig und elei im Dschungel umegloffe ändlich hätt er imne Dorf es paar Soldate troffe Er hät grüeft: Jetz wili hei, so öpis isch kei Gschpass meh Aber die Soldate händ nur gseit: Mir würded gern mal ihre Pass gseh!


Shit happens🤷🏽‍♀️

Oh jee das isch Lebensschuäl puur. Super wiä iär us jederä Situation s bestä machid.


Das nenn ich mal Abenteuer pur!

Lebensschuel, das bleibt eim🤔😂

Um 05:06h kam das erste Telefon von vielen und noch mehr Sprachnachrichten danach, aber um 15:00 MEZ lag da einer neuer Führerschein. Dank Einfallsreichtum von Yves ein korrektes Formular mit Unterschrift 😁😁. Geniesst das neue Leben mit richtigem Bett und Geld, Handy und Ausweise immer auf Mann/Frau 😎😎😎

Reserapporter Australien