
Malmö and the conclusion of the trip // Session 24

Publicerad: 21.09.2018

There's not much to say about Malmo. The city doesn't have many interesting things to see. One of them is a residential building called Turning Torso. It looks quite funny and that's about it. There's also a museum and a church, but they're nothing special. The city felt extremely dirty to me and was somehow nothing like Stockholm.

The hostel I stayed at was average. Unfortunately, I had a snoring roommate again, so my sleep wasn't very restful.

I wanted to eat an unhealthy pizza in Malmo and immediately thought of a kebab pizza. So I went to a kebab shop and ordered one. The menu also stated that it had cheese, kebab meat, and sauce on it. So relatively normal. However, I received a pizza with a whole salad on it. So lettuce leaves, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, etc... It wasn't necessarily bad, but that's not what I wanted 😅

I also had a fantastic burger, it was really excellent.

But let's get to the most important part of the blog post. I'm done with my trip and now it's time to draw a conclusion:

The trip was really cool. I saw many amazing places, met great people that I will probably never see again, and had incredible experiences. I believe that the trip has taught me a few things. Traveling alone is a good experience. It's tiring to take care of your own food and clothes. It's nice to have friends and family you can rely on. There are so many different people who couldn't be more different and yet they're all the same. And many other small things that I can't think of at the moment and/or would exceed the scope of the post.

There were times when I wondered why I had planned the trip for so long, but those thoughts quickly disappeared. However, at the end of the trip, I was glad to be back home because the constant changing of accommodations and cultures was exhausting. And of course, traveling in general. And I missed my friends, family, and of course, my cats. Although you always meet new people, these acquaintanceships are obviously not the same as real friendships. You do get to know very interesting things and perspectives about/from the person, but then they've already moved on. (Or you yourself)

During the trip, there were times when I missed Germany in some places. How orderly and comparatively well everything goes here.

During the trip, my English has improved. Of course, grammatically I'm probably terrible, but everyone understands me and I can paraphrase things that I can't translate literally so that people can understand me. Also, my "shyness" to talk to and approach strangers has diminished significantly towards the end of the trip.

Since coming home, I have been asked many times what my favorite destination was and I can't answer that. Most places were simply amazing. There were some stays that were slightly "worse" than others, but it would be unfair to highlight one place as the best compared to the others. They all had their advantages and disadvantages.

Towards the end of the trip, my interest in sightseeing diminished, as I had expected, but I relaxed more, which was really necessary since my body was exhausted.

I already expressed my opinion about Interrail. But it's really not as bad as it is sometimes portrayed. I was just angry. I would do such a trip again, but then I would use Interrail differently and more strategically.

I probably didn't mention everything I originally wanted to say, but I'll leave it at that. I'm glad to have the privilege of having fulfilled such a beautiful trip. This concludes the blog!

